That is true, even I believed it. I truly believed the western world figured it out and it was my homeland that were backwards, until I went there and really explored the reality. But that wasn’t what fully shattered it for me, it was what they did in Iraq, afan and gaza. How they demonized brown people and more recently im more aware how little a life matters even to the media if it’s brown or black.
In what era of human history has Europe ever been on the side of freedom or actually caring for anything it’s own elites and aristocracy
The last 70 years… of propaganda about it.
That is true, even I believed it. I truly believed the western world figured it out and it was my homeland that were backwards, until I went there and really explored the reality. But that wasn’t what fully shattered it for me, it was what they did in Iraq, afan and gaza. How they demonized brown people and more recently im more aware how little a life matters even to the media if it’s brown or black.