The above section of the bill is extremely vague and left wide open for bureaucrats and technocrats to require a digital ID to perform any function considered “high-risk, high-value online services,” up to and including logging onto the internet.

Globalists with ties to the United Nations and World Economic Forum have for several years advocated a digital ID requirement as a way of removing so-called “disinformation” from the internet. Once everyone has a digital ID, it becomes easy to restrict everyday human movement and activity based on one’s social credit score, like in China, which Klaus Schwab has stated is the model for many other nations. If your score dips below a certain point, you are now a “high risk” individual, and your digital ID would simply be flagged. The government, working in collusion with Big Tech in their ongoing public-private partnership, simply block you from logging onto the internet. You can no longer have a bank account, get a driver’s license, receive healthcare, obtain a passport, or any of those other “high risk” privileges.

If this bill passes, you can bet Biden will sign it. Such a bill would require, no matter how gradually, the system’s obedient subjects to show their digital papers in order to perform ever more functions in society until they end up as digitally marked slaves to their elitist masters. They will have handed over ownership of their very identity to the beast system.

Never comply. Never submit. Stay awake. Stay free.