A photo of Army biologists was on a list of images to be purged, seemingly because it mentioned they were recording data about fish that included their gender.
get out and make some noise. seriously - find a group (protest, town hall, whatever) and show up. repeatedly.
the wife and I are heading to another small protest in our very red town today. we have our banner, handouts and cowbells ready. going to get dirty looks (we dont give a fuck anymore) and supportive honks.
the more others see resistance, the more likely they are to agree that this is not normal.
alone you can do very little, but many yous can do a great deal.
Only if you want to make change. Peaceful protests have a history of not working well. That’s why you’re encouraged to do them. People had to pay attention to the Black Panthers when they showed up. They didn’t have to use the rifles, just have them. Until we’re serious enough about it to carry rifles, we’re simply not serious enough for people to care.
Okay, I remember. Now, what can I do about it?
Put on a green hat and plunge the toilet
God damn if this just isn’t the perfect way of putting it.
Curse of eloquence. I always know how to phrase things trenchantly, but I’m deeply ineffectual
get out and make some noise. seriously - find a group (protest, town hall, whatever) and show up. repeatedly.
the wife and I are heading to another small protest in our very red town today. we have our banner, handouts and cowbells ready. going to get dirty looks (we dont give a fuck anymore) and supportive honks.
the more others see resistance, the more likely they are to agree that this is not normal.
alone you can do very little, but many yous can do a great deal.
edit: punctuation
Are you showing up with a rifle, or just there with arts and crafts?
Are you meant to go to protests armed? What good would that bring? Are you expected to kill people at your protest?
Only if you want to make change. Peaceful protests have a history of not working well. That’s why you’re encouraged to do them. People had to pay attention to the Black Panthers when they showed up. They didn’t have to use the rifles, just have them. Until we’re serious enough about it to carry rifles, we’re simply not serious enough for people to care.
I am saddened that you feel that the threat of killing is the only solution :(
It is sad. I was really hoping someone like Bernie could be elected and we could things peacefully. Turns out, that’s not going to work.
there with voices and visuals
opinions vary, but I dont think we are at the ammo box stage quite yet.
So, still easily ignorable.
Here’s some reading material
That’s a blast from the past.
A list of options has been previously catalogued.
I’ll grant you it’s easier to daydream about violence.
Yep, that’s a list of options of things that will be easily ignored. Let me know when you’re serious about over throwing fascism.
Step 1 is to talk about it. Recruit 5 more people to the cause. Get them to do so. Repeat.
We need to stir things up to a fever pitch. Then we can use that potential energy to make effect change.