Nope, you read that correctly. There is no current proven nonsurgical method for people to lose and keep off significant weight long term. The meta study I linked had to minimize the amount lost and the timespan to get positive results. Citations to the contrary are welcome. Anything aside from citations is not.
Over the past three decades, researchers have found that biopsychosocial factors determine weight gain much more than personal choices and responsibility.
You’re on a community for discussion–not a scientific community. And you come across as very arrogant and rude, so I’m not interested in engaging further with you regardless of the community or content.
A question about myths that’s just people reciting myths without backing them up is a recipe for lots of BS. Saying science has no place in dispelling myths seems like a weird take, but if it is, I’m glad you don’t want to engage. Bye!
Nope, you read that correctly. There is no current proven nonsurgical method for people to lose and keep off significant weight long term. The meta study I linked had to minimize the amount lost and the timespan to get positive results. Citations to the contrary are welcome. Anything aside from citations is not.
Bonus article:
From the abstract:
You’re on a community for discussion–not a scientific community. And you come across as very arrogant and rude, so I’m not interested in engaging further with you regardless of the community or content.
A question about myths that’s just people reciting myths without backing them up is a recipe for lots of BS. Saying science has no place in dispelling myths seems like a weird take, but if it is, I’m glad you don’t want to engage. Bye!
Seems like they are just convinced in their ways. Well, that’s life