I really enjoy the federation feature very much, we move a lot of interesting fediverse threads into the forum and also have people from “outside” replying to threads.
Doing this, I’ve come across a UX issue (well, two) when moving in threads into the forum:
- I spot a thread somewhere in fedi that I want in the forum
- I paste the URL of a post from the thread into the nodeBB search bar
- I click “show results as topics”
- I find only that post and anything upthread from it
- I move that thread into the forum
- To get all the subthreads into the forum, I gather all the URLs of the leaves of the thread, search for them (as topics) and they federate in
- Any future replies are not federated, unless they @ a forum user og any forum user follows the person replying (and even then maybe not, Fedi is Mysterious)
I would like:
- A fetch-all-replies button to push after point 4) above, to get the whole thread from the original instance.
- An automated reply-fetcher polling for new replies in the original thread (w. exponential back-off etc.)
Maybe this already exists or is raised somewhere else? If so, feel free to move my post or just give me a reference.
Thanks for this really excellent piece of software :smile:
@niels This is useful question. I’ve joked in the past that ‘this Federation is great, when it works!’ Im not being negative at all, it quite complicated to always collate everything. Part of the problem is that although the ActivityPub is a ‘standard’ the other softwares have their own ways and interpretations. As a test Im cc’ing another couple of accounts at different places, to see what arrives @evehiclefan@mathstodon.xyz @isurg@lemm.ee @admin@isurg.org
@eeeee @isurg @admin
Notification arrived here instantly