I really enjoy the federation feature very much, we move a lot of interesting fediverse threads into the forum and also have people from “outside” replying to threads.

Doing this, I’ve come across a UX issue (well, two) when moving in threads into the forum:

  1. I spot a thread somewhere in fedi that I want in the forum
  2. I paste the URL of a post from the thread into the nodeBB search bar
  3. I click “show results as topics”
  4. I find only that post and anything upthread from it
  5. I move that thread into the forum
  6. To get all the subthreads into the forum, I gather all the URLs of the leaves of the thread, search for them (as topics) and they federate in
  7. Any future replies are not federated, unless they @ a forum user og any forum user follows the person replying (and even then maybe not, Fedi is Mysterious)

I would like:

  1. A fetch-all-replies button to push after point 4) above, to get the whole thread from the original instance.
  2. An automated reply-fetcher polling for new replies in the original thread (w. exponential back-off etc.)

Maybe this already exists or is raised somewhere else? If so, feel free to move my post or just give me a reference.

Thanks for this really excellent piece of software :smile:

  • Kichae@community.nodebb.org
    3 days ago

    @eeeee Are time stamps sent with the post? Or created at arrival? If the latter, it’s probably just that posts were sent to or processed by the Lemmy host in a different order than they were originally posted.

    There’s an inherent relativity of simlutaniaty issue with federation.

    • eeeee@community.nodebb.org
      3 days ago

      @Kichae Yes Lemmy isnt showing the posts in order it has them listed as x minutes ago! So thats something their end. It may be the instance Im on hasnt updated and its been corrected since.