As an ignorant American I’m saddened to say, very little. One thing that comes to mind is Simo Häyhä.
I cant forget Linus Torvalds. The third most influential person in my life behind Thompson and Ritchie. Without these three I would never have found one of my greatest joys, coding.
I think of the pictures of snowy landscapes crowned with ethereal lights dancing in the night.
Stories from my dad about a Finish violin maker who used to hitchhike everywhere dad used to give frequent rides to.
As an ignorant American I’m saddened to say, very little. One thing that comes to mind is Simo Häyhä.
I cant forget Linus Torvalds. The third most influential person in my life behind Thompson and Ritchie. Without these three I would never have found one of my greatest joys, coding.
I think of the pictures of snowy landscapes crowned with ethereal lights dancing in the night.
Stories from my dad about a Finish violin maker who used to hitchhike everywhere dad used to give frequent rides to.