Cyberpunk 2077: Here’s a really important and urgent thing. We can’t stress enough how little time you have. Also, we just unlocked the rest of the city and a million side quests. Have fun!
V starts off thinking she’s dying and her mind is changing and she doesn’t know how long she’s got, and by the end she’s learned that everyone is dying and everyone is changing all the time and no one knows how long they’ve got. The only real choice is whether you use the time you’ve got to live, or don’t.
Cyberpunk 2077: Here’s a really important and urgent thing. We can’t stress enough how little time you have. Also, we just unlocked the rest of the city and a million side quests. Have fun!
Yeah. Just get some money and rent these apartments, who cares if the one moving in them won’t be you anymore :)
That’s kind of important to the story though.
V starts off thinking she’s dying and her mind is changing and she doesn’t know how long she’s got, and by the end she’s learned that everyone is dying and everyone is changing all the time and no one knows how long they’ve got. The only real choice is whether you use the time you’ve got to live, or don’t.