Here we go. He’s apparently pissed it’s taking more than 53 days.
If we start letting them just removing judges because they go against Krasnov we are done for. Everyone that can be in the streets should be in the streets! This is the point of no return.
I’ve been on the streets since October 2023.
What about that 2nd amendment you all talk about so much?
All well and good until you’re facing the U.S. military. 2A falls apart in these situations.
Isn’t that the whole point?
Can’t really just buy a tank…
Trying to brandish 2A as a means of overturning tyranny is just cosplay for fantasy football players.
Sustained civil unrest is the path you want
honestly, at this point, I think people just said that because it sounded better than “I’d rather have children get slaughtered in school on the regular than accept any limitation on the guns that make me feel like a real man”.
Worked in the 18th century. Not so much now.
you all
You mean conservatives? The people who by and large don’t use this site?