Jon Stewart slammed Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer for supporting a GOP funding bill after initially opposing it.
On The Daily Show, Stewart mocked Schumer for surrendering leverage without gaining anything in return, joking that he “got some cheese.”
He criticized Schumer’s strategy of waiting for Trump’s popularity to drop, calling it delusional.
Stewart argued Democrats avoid proposing real alternatives by pretending Republicans will compromise. He warned their approval rating is dangerously low, making their approach politically ineffective and out of touch.
It was always a charade, they just don’t feel like they have to keep it up anymore.
Can we start using “Vichy” to describe any Democrats who collaborate with the fascists?
Jon Stewart slammed Vichy Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer…
Stewart argued Vichy Democrats avoid proposing real alternatives by pretending Republicans will compromise.
“Quisling” is another good one
I second this.
The real takeaway is that the country is burning and our politicians are yucking it up together in a gym. We’re 100% in the ivory tower phase. They are removed from it therefore they don’t care enough to do anything but the same old same old.
We need to bring the issues to them in creative ways so that they feel the “impact” of our anger.
Feel free to lead by example.
It’s a uniparty and it’s not there to help you, prole.
I think there are actual elected Democrats who want to oppose the fascists. Look at Bernie, AOC, Crockett, even Pritzker and Walz. Hell, even Seth fucking Moulton and Nancy fucking Pelosi criticized Vichy Schumer over his collaboration and capitulation.
The problem is the Democrats, at the national level, are all led by the Vichy caucus of the party. Schumer, Jeffries, Newsom, etc who actually agree with the fascists on a number of issues.
We can’t write off everyone elected with a (D) next to their name. History has shown us time and time again that the only thing that has ever defeated a powerful fascists movement is a popular front of leftists and liberals working together. We need to eliminate the Vichy wing of the Democratic Party. I’m not going to pretend like I know how to do that, but we’re never going to defeat the fascists if we keep lumping everyone in with the collaborationists. That just fractures our side and strengthens theirs.
And electoral politics can’t be the only thing we do. It’s one tactic, but it’s not the only or even most important one. Most importantly, we need to build connections and networks within our communities so that we can support each other against the fascists. We need to establish the relationships now so that when the fascists come for the marginalized in our community people (especially those less engaged with politics) are more willing to side with the victims of the fascists who they’ve come to know against the power structures.
I think there are actual elected Democrats who want to oppose the fascists
Starts the list with someone who isn’t a Democrat
Here’s a notarized letter signed by Bernie affirming he is, in fact, a Democrat.
Here’s a notarized letter signed by Bernie affirming he is, in fact, a Democrat.
As of 2019, should he run for president. As of 2024, the paperwork for his election as a senator said Independent
*Registered Independent, but alligns with Democrats
Unless you’re fine with admitting a ton of “Democrats” are actually Republicans, despite alligning with Dems.
Highly paid, neo-liberal consultants that lost them multiple elections told Democratic leadership to become more Republican and that’s just what the Democratic leadership did by voting with Republicans.
told Vichy Democrats
ic leadershipto become more RepublicanFTFY!
It’s almost like they’d rather continue to talk to consultants than their own constituents post-Hilary and when your ideas are only to position yourself against the other guy, well you don’t have very many ideas at all. At least you still get to feel morally superior and continue building your own careerist resume. Democratic leadership don’t care about anyone but themselves and it shows. These people don’t work for you.
Politicians kept those fucks on
Jon Stewart slammed
I mean, this was actually on-point. it was pretty vicious, and deservedly so.
Jon Stewart Knocks Dems’ Lack of Vision In Countering The Trump Agenda | The Daily Show
sorry for the YouTube link, could not find it elsewhere.
edit: CW - animated intense mortal kombat violence at the very, very end of the video. the daily show was not playing around on this one.
Thanks for the link. Well worth the watch.
I am tired of this doofus
so when do we start calling them “schumer” cocktails?
Cucktails oooh ooooh!
Last time I checked in with Jon Stewart he was still refusing to call these dudes fascists, is that still the case?
Hey uncle fart wafers. this is how you get opened up to Libel suits is that what you want for John Stewart him caught in the court for the rest of his life
“these dudes”? I have no idea who you’re even talking about.
Nearly ever US politician
wasnt he also wierd around the gaza/conflict to, he wasnt denouncing them, he was low-key supporting them.
Oh fuck here we go I fucking called it.
Sorry, I forgot that with enough enlightened centrism we could all shove our heads so far up our butts thst nobody could see fascism. I’ll keep trying.
No you’re right, what we need to do is be hyper critical of different views and opinions. This way we can continue to build up this understanding that no one who stands up to speak against the right is safe.
We need to attack all the time in all directions like a narcissistic mother trying to find fault regardless of the situation at hand. Go at Bill Burr next. That uppity mother fucker has been shitting on Elon and billionaires. You need to go out there and find a reason he sucks next.