Went in for a just in case colonoscopy/endoscopy for my lung NETs, my specialist just wanted to make sure but didn’t expect there to be anything, just dotting the i’s, is how she put it. Turns out I have a big old tumor in my stomach all the other tests missed, the blood tests, the PET scans, the specialised NET PET scan all missed. Apparently stomach tumors don’t always show up on PT scans and my CT scans were only of my chest. So now yet again I sit and wait for official biopsy results. I hate the waiting.

  • bestnerd@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Hard not to, but I had one found too. Was told it’s actual pretty common to miss and find later. Also told that we’d be surprised how many people have them and live their lives without ever knowing we had it or affecting them. Got it removed, no spread, and some radiation. All clear a few years later.

    Hopefully yours is in that category and you’ll be alright. Good luck comrade