Operating System: Ubuntu MATE 22.04.3 LTS 64-bit
The script that I used was timingAndPitchTransfer_manualPitch.praat
The plugin worked pretty much as expected. However, after I closed Praat after using the plugin, my trouble began when I went to open it again the next time. I clicked on the launcher again and again, but no matter what, it did absolutely nothing. Even after reinstalling and upgrading Praat several times, it just wouldn’t budge. I then moved the launcher onto my desktop and ran it as administrator to see if it would do anything, and while it didn’t open, it gave me very cryptic clues through error messages. Note that I don’t know how to code, so I couldn’t tell you what the messages mean, and can only give them to you in the hopes that someone will know.
First, the terminal opened and showed all of these messages: https://pastebin.com/NRfZjcW4
Then, this error would pop up: https://i.imgur.com/AjkXMth.png
Clicking either yes or no will always give this error: https://i.imgur.com/waS1eKp.png
I hope this was enough information. Even making a custom launcher and setting it to open Praat yields the same results. By accident, though, I did find out that I can run Praat in the terminal and it open like nothing happened. Still, I’m very upset by this, and I’d really like it if I weren’t doomed to never having a functional Praat launcher again. If anyone has any idea what’s going on, please help me. Please. I’m tired and stressed and I just want things to work and not be stupid pieces of shit that don’t work and make me want to set the world on fire please
It looks like you have associated .desktop files with the LibreOffice Writer application. So when you click on the “launcher” icon for Praat that application tries to open the “launcher” file as a text document.
This answer should help you reset that association, https://superuser.com/questions/21626/ubuntu-change-the-default-program-used-to-open-a-type-of-file/21642#21642
That would probably help if that was what was happening.
This is only affecting any launchers, links, or desktop files to Praat and nothing else. I can open other launchers just fine.
I don’t have a file called “defaults.list” in the directory “/.local/share/applications”. I checked.