Meckler said that the constitution provides this mechanism to give the American people the power to amend the constitution instead of only Congress having that power. He also noted that the founding fathers unanimously agreed on the idea.

“It takes two thirds of states to call, so that means 34 states are required to call for a convention,” Meckler explained. “So far 19 states have called, only 15 to go, well past the halfway mark, pushing towards the two thirds mark.”

And what we’re calling for is a convention to propose amendments specifically to restrain federal tyranny, to impose term limits on Congress, supported by 85 percent of the American people. To impose actual term limits as well, on what you and I know as the deep state bureaucrats, who served for 20, 30, 40 years and really control our government. To impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, like a balanced budget amendment, tax cap, spending caps, and finally, to impose power restraints on the federal government, telling them, “Nope, you can’t have a department of education or energy or EPA.” All these things they were never intended to have. So that’s the process and what we’re seeking.