Today I made crêpes for breakfast like I usually do…

And I tried some smooth peanut butter inside one of them. It doesn’t taste horrible, but after a bit of eating it, I felt like I was in the 3rd circle of hell.

I asked my mother and my grandma for an opinion, and they too agreed.

Why do Americans torture themselves like this?

    1 year ago

    I am an absolute peanut butter apologist, so my instinct is to tell you to eat it with something sweet. See, in the grand poem of life, peanut butter IS the cardboard, the base if you will, the foundation, upon which jams and honeys and chocolates can be allowed to shine. It elevates them BECAUSE it is nothing, because it is mashed protein giving you an EXCUSE to eat the sugars and condiments on top of it and still be full afterward. The nothingness of peanut butter is its GLORY. It’s a humble condiment, it needs a dance partner. It cannot taste like anything alone on CREPES.