Our 2-year-old calls for me (dad) for almost everything. Nightmare in the night? Dad. Need to put on shoes? Dad? Need to be picked up? Dad. Mom tries to do something? No, dad!

I don’t mind this. And I know the phase will end, and I will miss it.

But it seems to be really hurting my wife. I think she also knows, deep down, that it’s just a phase and that it’s nothing she is doing wrong. But I can see in her eyes that she feels that our daughter loves her less than she loves me.

Any advice? Neither one of us wants to force our daughter to show affection to anyone. But any ideas how to make mom feel more included/wanted?

  • CADmonkey@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I’m in the same boat. When she was a baby she would only sleep for me, when she was a toddler she would always come to me, and as a child she only listens to me. My wife is the most amazing person to walk this earth, and I wish my kid didn’t ignore her.