Shark nets will be retained on New South Wales beaches despite widespread opposition to what environmentalists say is an “Ineffective” safety measure.

The Labor leader said removing shark nets in Sydney is a “Good ambition but we’ve got a ways to go when it comes to that shark detection technology”.

The decision defies this month’s Department of Primary Industries report, which found almost 90% of marine animals caught in shark nets off NSW beaches over the past year were non-target species such as turtles, rays and dolphins.

In Sydney, the nets did not catch a single tiger or white shark during the 2022-23 summer season, according to the DPI’s Shark Meshing Program data.

The Central Coast council said its opposition to shark mesh nets had not changed and that it had not been informed of the DPI’s decision to retain the nets.

    1 year ago

    I always think that shark nets would be OK if the sharks were coming out of the ocean, attacking humans and we put the nets up on land.

    But if it’s humans choosing to go into the ocean, it seems unfair and stupid to put nets in that just tangle up any random sea life.