The rage in women’s faces makes its own kind of sense. We are meant to love and be loved. Men and women deserve better from each other than the ease of destroying lives they create.

    1 year ago

    For the same reason why they would be angry about laws banning them from voting or banning them from getting a divorce.

    You can disagree all you want, but for most people in the western world, the right for women to be able to choose to end her pregnancy is seen as one of many important aspect of autonomy and liberty. And the state going against popular opinion and using state violence to stop women from getting abortions is seen by many as an attack on freedom and a regression into a dark past.

    The article points out some issue with modern relations between men and women, which is fair, but it also implies that somehow, things were better for women before the sexual revolution.

    For example, the article says “In order to be with a man you must conform to his sexual desires and pretend to like it.”. That has been true since long before the sexual revolution… Women had virtually no ability to choose anything, except if the husband allowed it. In many cases, women could not even choose who to marry, that choice was made by the father… Up until the late 20th century, it was not legally possible for a husband to rape his wife, the wife was considered to be the husband’s property and was expected to do everything the man says…

    And for young people who think “that was back in the middle ages”, no, it wasn’t, that was the norm when my grandparents were young… The police would raid houses when they suspected that an unmarried couple was living together… Women who were caught having sex before being married could get ostracised or exiled for the rest of their lives to a monastery. Children who were born out of wedlock were often taken away and often ended up getting “adopted” by impoverished farmer families who simply used them as not much more than slaves…

    And of course, men were not treated like that. Many men were fucking around too, as people tend to do, but their actions were either swept under a rug or excused as “men being men”.

    I don’t think anybody would argue that things are perfect as they are today, but if your solution is to go back decades and then ask “why women are so angry”, you have a radically different view of the world compared to most people nowadays, at least in the “western world”…