Freedom of choice is like a toggle in that it is a two-way street, allowing autonomy while enabling responsibility.

It is both the freedom to choose one’s course of action and the responsibility not to choose one’s course of action, but instead allow others to make their own decisions. In this way, one can both choose and be held accountable for their choices.

It is also the basis of choice itself, providing the opportunity to select options for oneself in areas of life ranging from the mundane to the most complex.

In fact, it is difficult to imagine a world without the freedom of choice as it allows us to live our lives as we see fit.

Furthermore, having the power to choose carries with it the chance to make mistakes, learn from them, and in the long-run, better ourselves and our life decisions.

By providing us with the choice to create our own paths, it offers us a unique opportunity that no one can take away.

Ultimately, freedom of choice is like a toggle, and is the basis of choice itself, supplying us the freedom to make decisions, learn from them, and build up our lives.