• Krauerking
      10 months ago

      That’s not how projection works, I could be making a facetious or exaggerated comment but it wouldn’t be projection.

      You are arguing like you read someone else arguing like that all the time but don’t actually know what it means or how to use it. You guys literally aren’t putting the critical thoughts into these topics to come at them from a perspective that enables them to be used and adapted for changing needs of people.

      This blind reliance on a cookie cutter simple answer for everything and constant self repeating of its perfection misses the point of critical analysis that makes things get better over time. Facing criticism and having a legitimate and thought out answer to it instead of quips and repeatable slam dunk statements leads to legitimate issues being ignored like does happen everywhere.

      It’s unfortunately the job of those that come next to find out how to adapt the tools left to them by their ancestors to find new solutions for an ever changing world. It’s patching holes and trying something new. Your stagnation of ideas that this one is perfect (as so many people in here believe, “just don’t say anything bad and nothing bad will happen to you”) restricts and doesn’t allow for that to happen.