But if, deep inside, you want to overthrow the government, everyone will hate you and you’ll be jailed or worse.
Don’t you guys also want to overthrow a government?
Or, put otherwise, if you use the democratic mechanisms in place, it’s all good. If you protest or demonstrate because you feel you aren’t heard by the government, that’ll usually have an effect.
On what basis do you call me a western chauvinist?
America is in an active state of collapse. My own country England is also slowly declining or has at least lost its relevance. These and other countries like France have done large damage to the world through imperialism. These are all things I acknowledge.
This is the problem I have with Marxists online. You can’t actually discuss with someone you don’t agree with without putting them into a box and making wild assumptions towards this end.
I would say that it’s all well and good for the people to approve of the government but this is meaningless when they lie and cover up information while committing crimes like attempted genocide and forced reeducation of minority groups.
when they lie and cover up information while committing crimes like attempted genocide and forced reeducation of minority groups.
Again, only the anglo countries think this is happening. The rest of the world, namely Muslim countries (especially those who would be receiving refugees were there a genocide) , and the Uyghur people themselves, disagree with you :
“they lie”, enough with the orientalism rudyard kipling. Anglos are the most racist people on the planet, and you need to shut your damn mouths before you spout orientalism.
Since when does calling out genocide have anything to do with orientalism?
Like if you just want a successful (given the circumstances) nation under Marxism-Leninism you could just look to Cuba.
Don’t you guys also want to overthrow a government?
Tell that to the people in china.
deleted by creator
Chinese people overwhelming support their government.
Source: Harvard (We know how you western chauvinists don’t trust anything from a non-euroamerikkkan source)
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On what basis do you call me a western chauvinist?
America is in an active state of collapse. My own country England is also slowly declining or has at least lost its relevance. These and other countries like France have done large damage to the world through imperialism. These are all things I acknowledge.
This is the problem I have with Marxists online. You can’t actually discuss with someone you don’t agree with without putting them into a box and making wild assumptions towards this end.
I would say that it’s all well and good for the people to approve of the government but this is meaningless when they lie and cover up information while committing crimes like attempted genocide and forced reeducation of minority groups.
Again, only the anglo countries think this is happening. The rest of the world, namely Muslim countries (especially those who would be receiving refugees were there a genocide) , and the Uyghur people themselves, disagree with you :
“they lie”, enough with the orientalism rudyard kipling. Anglos are the most racist people on the planet, and you need to shut your damn mouths before you spout orientalism.
You’re gonna need some evidence for claims like this. I would have expected better from someone named after Paul Atredies.
Since when does calling out genocide have anything to do with orientalism? Like if you just want a successful (given the circumstances) nation under Marxism-Leninism you could just look to Cuba.