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The original was posted on /r/ohiomjcommunity by /u/OkCow1488 on 2023-06-30 20:21:48+00:00.

I’ve been searching and reading this sub so my apologies if my questions are redundant.

We just got stationed at WPAFB and I had a medical card in Texas. Texas has a tight grip on their MMJ. I’m very happy that Ohio allows smokable, that’s what I like best. After reading through this sub, seems like Ohio has a tight grip too? And I’ll have a hard time finding a doctor (in person) to grant me my card? Once I see my rheumatologist here I’m going to ask them about it. I prefer face to face and not telehealth. Are there actual stores here that you go to? We’ve been driving around and I don’t think I’ve seen any. Any information you wanna send my way I’d appreciate it very much. Tips, advice, etc. It’s so beautiful up here and looking forward to our time here. Thanks everyone.