Going to try them out. In Manitoba they apparently use Shaw’s existing network anyhow, so figured I’d give it a shot. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
No idea. All I know is that most Ontarian operators but TekSavvy are now owned by ROBeLUS.
Gotcha. Bleh. Can’t wait for Rogers/Shaw/Bell/Telus to eventually merge with Sobeys/Safeway after they merge with President’s Choice… 😬
OMG this would be hilarious if it didn’t sound plausible. 🫢
Update: (July 31) Activation went through today. Setup was pretty easy; unplugged Shaw’s router, connected the coaxial cable to the new modem, connect the teeny eero router to the modem, setup the router with the eero app. Everything seems to be working good so far; after two hours or so of internet-ing. Speeds test as promised. Setup has you put in the same network name and password as your old router so you don’t have to change all your passwords on all your devices; which is a plus. Will give another update after another week or two.
Another update: (Aug 23) All good so far. No major issues and all our devices had no problems reconnecting. Speed is as good as if not better than Shaw. (Better on average due to us going with a faster tier) Was worried that the web server I’ve been testing wouldn’t work with the new router but there’s no issue there either. Really easy to set IP addresses manually with the eero app.