What cyberpunk work (movie, book, tv show, etc.) would you say is the most “punk”? What has the best non-conformist middle-finger-to-authority “punk” feel?

I mean, it’s obviously Hackers, right? Nothing says “punk rock” like roller blading down the streets of NYC. Or maybe something more gritty like Hardware, with a cameo from Iggy Pop?

Obviously those are terrible examples. I was just trying to think of which cyberpunk work really captures the punk part of cyberpunk and I can’t think of any really good examples. I’m sure there’s something obvious I’m forgetting though.

  • Ephemere@lemmy.villa-straylight.social
    1 year ago

    Yes, I definitely would. If you liked Neuromancer, I think you’ll find it’s very much of the same mold. If I were to be highly critical I would say it drags a little in the middle, but overall I highly enjoyed it.

    One area in which it differs from other cyberpunk novels is that the main characters are all gay or lesbian and the novel strongly reflects how the gay experience was felt when it was written in '94.