Crossposted using Lemmit.

Original post from /r/scambaiting by /u/arcterex on 2023-07-04 18:28:32+00:00.

I have an overpayment scammer I’ve been playing with for a while and they want to mail me a (totally legit I’m sure) check to pay for my photography services. I’d like to get the check from them, but obviously don’t want to give my real address out.

My local post office has a service where they’ll provide a free service for people wanting to get gifts etc sent, but it’s a PO Box and “Vivian” says that UPS/Fedex don’t deliver there.

Any alternatives?

For now I told them to just take the PO Box off and they’ll accept it (and if they don’t it’ll cost them a bit more to pay for the shipment), but I’m interested to hear what other people do.