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The original was posted on /r/storage by /u/ksuchewie on 2023-06-27 15:20:22+00:00.

We have 2 different vmware clusters in our datacenter, all are using Dell R740 servers, with their own EMC ME4024 SANs (All SSD storage). Currently everything works as is with iSCSI utilizing 10GB DAC cables and Dell S2048 switches. However, there are times we notice that our primary application that is MS SQL -DB heavy will bog down.

Upgrading to a 25GBe SAN environment doesn’t really seem like a feasible option at the moment. So I’ve been wondering if migrating to FC would make a noticeable impact? Our SAN ME4024 supports 10 GB ISCSI, but 16GB FC so we don’t have to replace the SANs to go FC. We do not have any FC infrastructure at the moment, so we would have to buy switches, cards for the servers, and the appropriate FC SFP+ transceivers.

Is there anything to support the notion that 16GB FC is x% faster than 10GB iSCSI and that it would be worth the effort?
