Stream/Purchase: and Produced by Rejoicer & Nitai Hershkovits Recorded at Arpad Studios Mixed by Rejoicer Mastered by Asaf Sha...
If you don’t know who Felix Colgrave is, he’s the guy who animated Double King and a bunch of other weird and fantastic short films and music videos. This video is from the new WOMBOT Studio channel, which is run by Colgrave and Zoë Medcraft. The latter of which was the director, lead animator, and painter on this video!
If you don’t know who Felix Colgrave is, he’s the guy who animated Double King and a bunch of other weird and fantastic short films and music videos. This video is from the new WOMBOT Studio channel, which is run by Colgrave and Zoë Medcraft. The latter of which was the director, lead animator, and painter on this video!