Here I’m gonna say it: The trade guild system is lame. We don’t need 300+ guild traders. At most, we should have maybe a couple traders per alliance. Teleportation is canon in-game. Centralizing the market is not lore-breaking and shouldn’t be considered immersion-breaking. Guild leaders shouldn’t have to beg their members for gold and then spend all of their gaming time running auctions just to afford a guild trader in a spot where everyone shops.

Also, there shouldn’t be a fencing/laundering limit. If a player wants to play as a thief, they should be able to. There’s literally an entire DLC storyline dedicated to thieving but being a dedicated thief is not viable.

Last but not least, the craft bag is a solution to a problem manufactured by ZOS, so that they can sell the said solution to the manufactured problem while at the same time plastering “NO SUBSCRIPTION REQUIRED” on the front of the game box. Yes, a company has got to make money, but that doesn’t make this practice any less scummy.

I love this game and probably spend way too much time on it. That doesn’t mean I have to love every decision ZOS makes.