After their deep-space freighter is damaged, the stranded crew of the Demeter must fight to survive on a beautiful yet dangerous planet. In this surreal sci-fi animated series from creators Joseph Bennett and Charles Huettner, the remaining crew of a damaged interstellar freighter ship find themselves stranded on a beautiful yet unforgiving alien planet – where they must survive long enough to escape or be rescued. But as the survivors struggle to locate their downed ship and missing crewmates, their new home reveals a hostile world allowed to thrive without human interference. Featuring lush, visually stunning animation, Scavengers Reign presents a wholly unique view of the consequences of unchecked hubris and humanity’s eternal desire to conquer the unknown.

  • Krauerking
    1 year ago

    Man there is like no info on this show. It’s existence seems as esoteric and enigmatic as the very premise itself.

    It feels like a fever trip made real, and I looked into the animators and they do such great morph and absurd art.

    Heck just the deep overarching symbolism in the pilot they did which almost has a singular point to make wrapped in layers of absurdity. Ugh. Can’t wait.