I travelled a bit through Italy recently, by bicycle. Cycling here seems either
- super sporty road cyclist
- poor people on what’s left of what used to be a bicycle
Stumble upon Lodi, Lombardy: cyclists everywhere, like dutch style: adults carelessly cycling with 2 kids and lots of luggage on a single normal city bike and without helmets. What’s so different about Lodi (or the region) that it’s so common here, but not in other Italian small or medium cities? Any Italians with answers? Thanks
you’re comparing Italy with which country? where do you live?
Belgium. It was mainly about the very large difference within Italy. I don’t see fundamental differences in infrastructure (low quality almost everywhere in Italy I’ve been, mostly because non-existant), so I was wondering why for example lodi does have so many normal cyclists that do not seem to be part of those two demographics.
thanks for the reply.
as a cyclist, you’re lucky to live in Belgium