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Disney wanted nothing to do with a movie that appealed to Christians and had a Christian theme. Before he destroyed the company, Iger looked seriously at running for president as a Democrat. You can’t win the Democrat nomination if you’re guilty of releasing Christiantard movies starring the guy who played Jesus. Good heavens, what if the movie’s a hit? What if it’s another Passion of the Christ, one of those titles that again make fools of all the leftists arguing traditional movies don’t make money as they produce flop after flop after flop?

Secondly, Disney’s fascist streak is well-documented. For partisan political reasons, Disney disappeared The Path to 9/11. For partisan political reasons (opposition to racial healing), Disney disappeared Song of the South. To teach her and other actors a political lesson in obedience, Disney blacklisted Gina Carano. Disney is almost certainly responsible for an astonishing act of artistic vandalism against the Best Picture Winner, The French Connection (1971).

Finally, does anyone doubt that Disney, a company 100 percent dedicated to sexually grooming underage children, would find a movie that condemns the sex trafficking of children objectionable?

You can stick your head in the sand all day long. That doesn’t change the fact that multinational tech, entertainment, and news corporations, along with the far-left gay rights movement, are desperate to normalize sex with children, up to and including their permanent mutilation by way of the Orwellian-named “gender-affirming care.” Grooming normalizes the profane. “Gender-affirming care” turns a sweet and troubled child into a sexually-confused neurotic who’s easy to exploit.

Disney is the tip-of-the-spear in this obscene campaign aimed at kids. So why would it release a movie that makes a moving and moral case for protecting children when it has dedicated billions to exploiting children?

Yes, Disney has lost a billion dollars on movies that stink, but you have to look at why they stink. They stink because the company has chosen to normalize that which violates human nature and appalls decent parents. So…

If Disney is willing to lose a billion dollars on its amoral, grooming, cinematic propaganda campaign, you can bet it’s willing to lose tens of millions by dumping a movie that contradicts that propaganda campaign.