AssortedBiscuits [they/them]

mfw you still use Windows in 2023 2024

  • 10 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: May 22nd, 2022


  • Much more militarized or prisonized school buildings, much more rigid control of students movements.

    Columbine changed everything. I think the effect is most sharply felt if you’re a xennial, but I wasn’t old enough to experience a pre-Columbine high school experience. There are plenty of millennial high schoolers who walked through metal detectors. I see the difference between millennials and zoomers as more of a quantitative difference than a qualitative one. The stuff about pigs pretending to be school shooters to “prep” students is a more recent development and a huge wtf for me.

    Plus social media has enabled cool, horrible new kinds of bullying. Like there are apparently a lot of very real, very substantial differences that go beyond shooting drills.

    Yes, that’s true. I think social media bullying already existed when I was in high school, but owning to us not having social media as kids, we didn’t really incorporate our online persona as part of our concept as self to the extend of zoomers. In other words, we differentiated between cyberspace and meatspace and we can “walk away” from our online troubles.

    But otherwise, yeah. It’s different, but not so different as to be unrelatable. especially if you try to remember how much bullshit there really was and not get nostalgic about shit.

    It’s interesting to compare zoomers here with my gen x coworkers who are old enough to be their parents. The funniest story was some gen xer who tried to start a conversation by asking whether I watched a bunch of zoomer cartoons and after seeing my blank expression, he then started asking if I watched a bunch of gen xer cartoons that I’m even more clueless about lol. He went from asking about Steven Universe to asking about the Star Trek Animated Series, two cartoon series separated by 4 decades. And the real funny thing is that the midpoint between the two would be shit that I actually watched as a kid, so cartoons like Animaniacs or Darkwing Duck. It was a really trippy experience to be asked about cartoons that you’re simultaneously too old and young when they came out.

  • I just don’t see that much a difference between young people and me. For very obvious reasons, MSM stress incredibly minor differences in aesthetic tastes to the point where generational difference is almost exclusively about what type of slop you consume. I don’t think my high school experience is that different from a current zoomer who’s still in high school. Yeah, we didn’t have smartphones, but we still chatted with flip phones and AIM. Apparently, they changed how the SAT is scored so their max score is different from my max score. We watched different TV shows, played different games, and masturbated to different porn, but those are just types of slop. It’s not like my generation think all music is satanic or completely abstain from touching ourselves.

    The actual differences I see are:

    1. We didn’t have to face so many school shootings nor do any school shooter drills. I remember having to do a single bomb drill when I was a senior, and nobody took that shit seriously. The bullshit zoomers have to go through now like pigs pretending to shoot at them with fake guns or having to drill on how to carry a peer shot in the stomach is trauma inducing.

    2. I didn’t have to cancel graduation because of a global pandemic nor watch people around repeatedly getting reinfected by Covid.

    3. The political causes people rally to are different. For us, it was how Dubya sucked and the Darfur genocide. Current teenagers have Palestine. Of course, the war on terrorism intimately tied to Palestine, so it’s not as different as it seems. I wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out the Darfur genocide is also tied to Palestine as well.

    4. Zoomers would actually walk out of classrooms and actually do shit while millennial teenagers didn’t have that in them at all. There’s at least some understanding of politics even among zoomer teenagers.

    5. Zoomers aren’t as uptight about conforming to cishet and NT standards of beauty although they still conform to them in the end. The 90s to late 00s was horribly restrictive in how your gender expression has to completely conform to a cishet hypermasculine or hyperfeminine ideal, no doubt related to the AIDS epidemic. It only started to break down with emos and scene kids, and they were constantly bullied for being f-words.

    Everything else like what type of socks you like to wear is completely superficial.

  • I honestly can’t think of anything off the top of my head. There’s plenty that I personally wouldn’t indulge in, but just understanding why younger people like a particular trend isn’t that hard. If anything, it’s older people not understanding a particular trend that makes me baffled. Stuff like not understanding skibidi toilet (it’s just gmod + body horror), not understanding Tiktok (if you can understand the appeal of dancing badgers with music being played in the background, you can understand the appeal of Tiktok), not understand streamers (if you can understand why people would football on TV or why people follow celebrity gossip, you can understand streamers). To go over your examples:

    1. ASMR: It’s just a particular genre of Youtube video. Genres can be quite specific. I personally like the genre of video where you watch a timelapse video of a plant growing from a seed. I think ASMR got popular because you don’t have to actually watch the video since it’s all audio. So, you can just treat the video like a podcast while doing chores or studying.

    2. Instagram: It’s just a social media site that grew large enough, and once a social media site is large enough, people will go to it no matter how much of a dumpster fire it is (see Facebook, Reddit, and LinkedIn). I mostly see Instagram as taking the photo part of Facebook and turning that into its own thing. There are people with 10000+ photos on Facebook, so why not create a social media site specifically catering to those people? We already have imageboards like 4chan, so the idea of a social media site centered on images is nothing new.

    3. My students’ taste in anime: I mean, Azumanga Daioh aired in Japan 5 years before they were born. Like, it predates Lucky Star and K-On. If you showed me those GI Joe cartoons from the 80s when I was a teenager, I would’ve given you a similar response. It’s also an awkward time period where it’s too old for me to enjoy as a kid but too new for my parents to enjoy when they’re kids. If you showed me The Adams Family or some other boomer show when I was a teen, you would’ve at least gotten a “oh yeah, my parents showed me these before, and I thought they were pretty cool.” There’s a decent chance you would get a flash of familiarity if you showed them Transformers or GI Joe since their parents (or at least their dads) probably watched them.

    4. Photo and videos done in portrait mode: It’s just a stamp of authenticity and immediacy that translates to an aesthetic. Awhile back, there was a trend on Tiktok poking fun at how millennials start videos with this 5 second awkward pause while zoomers start videos by fumbling their phones. Even though they’re very different on the surface, they’re ultimately both trying to convey the idea that the video isn’t edited but something that spontaneously happened. The millennial video has that 5 second pause to communicate that it was done unscripted with a single take, so I have to gather my thoughts for 5 seconds. The zoomer video has the fumble to communicate how I spontaneously wanted to create this video out of the blue. To loop back to portrait mode, if you take out your phone from your pocket, you’re already holding it in portrait mode, so shooting the video in portrait mode is to communicate, “oh my God, I just have to shoot the video. I don’t have time to flip the phone to portrait mode. I have to shoot it now.” Eventually, it just becomes its own aesthetic just like how Unregistered HyperCam 2 became an aesthetic for certain early Youtube videos.

  • The high point of Taiwanese separatism was in 2019 when Tsai Ing-wen, despite being unpopular and almost getting primaried by the current Taiwanese president, was able to ride on the fears of the Hong Kong protests to win the presidency in 2020. After that, separatists have eaten nothing but L’s since then.

    1. They got BTFO in the 2022 local elections, topping it off with Chiang Kai-shek’s bastard great-grandson getting elected as mayor of Taipei. This also means he has presidential ambitions, so a funny outcome would be Taiwan having a third president from the Chiang family.

    2. They ate shit in the 2024 legislative elections and don’t have a majority in the Yuan.

    3. They got their president elected with a crappy plurality made worse by all the 16-17 year old TPP supporters who can’t vote because they’re too young, meaning his popularity is even weaker than it looks.

    4. Taiwanese zoomers, basically the people who are of conscript age, are voting for TPP instead, which ruins the DPP’s plan of replacing the KMT through age demographic changes. Just because the KMT is going to be the party of irrelevant boomers doesn’t mean your party will get the zoomers.

    5. The ROC military has openly displays signs of disloyalty including a retired general saying they should simply coup the DPP and various officers repeatedly getting bribed by the PRC to lay down their arms. It turns out accusing the KMT, of which the ROC military is politically, culturally, and historically aligned with, of selling out to the PRC in order to win votes for your presidential election has far-reaching consequences.

    6. The combination of the Taiwanese economy stagnating and the dumpster fire with TSMC attempting to build a factory in Arizona is forcing Taiwanese business to push harder towards the status quo, where they can get favorable trade deals with the PRC.

  • It’s kinda weird how for all the video’s repeatedly saying that you can’t take anything about AVGN at face value and assume that the nerd is James Rolfe, people in the comments are doing the same exact thing to Dan Olson the man playing Dan Olson the Youtuber. The most obvious example is the diorama who Dan Olson the Youtuber claimed that he made out of obsession with AVGN. But from the credits, the diorama is attributed to 4 people of which Dan Olson the man is only one of them. And my hot take is that the diorama was probably mostly made by Kristi O based on her handle @komakesthings. And it’s far from feverish obsession. If anything, it’s closer to a cold business transaction where Dan Olson the man commissioned a diorama to be made by Kristi O with the other two presumably giving her screenshots of the AVGN’s room to work with since she doesn’t seem like much of a gamer nerd. And of course, we cannot neglect the fact that the video has two writers. Like, maybe 95% of the script was written by Nathan Landel and Dan Olson the man is just an actor playing Dan Olson the Youtuber, so everything that Dan Olson the Youtuber says has nothing to do with what Dan Olson the man actually thinks.

  • English is the tongue of imperialism and colonialism. You can even see this in Global South countries. Spanish-speaking Venezuela fights and defends its sovereignty while English-speaking Guyana doesn’t even hide being controlled by Western oil companies. In Africa, the forefront of pan-Africanism is in the French-speaking AES headed by French-speaking Burkina Faso. Meanwhile, English-speaking Nigeria almost invaded Niger through ECOWAS while English-as-an-official-language Kenya is planning on sending troops to Haiti. It’s no coincidence former Portuguese colony Macau has more or less integrated with the Mainland with no trouble whatsoever while former British colony Hong Kong had protests from people holding up “President Trump, please liberate Hong Kong.”

    Least bad is probably Ireland or South Africa because at least their governments aren’t openly Zionist. That’s pretty much it.