AutomatedPossum [she/her]

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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 5th, 2024


  • almost everyone here is AMAB

    We have a ton of nonbinary people on the site, why do you think you can (or should) make assumptions about our AGAB? The poll didn’t ask for that, it asked for pronouns and if people consider themselves trans. You can’t draw the kind of conclusion you’re making from these questions and frankly, cis people and binary trans people seriously need to STFU with their assumptions about which bullshit guess doctors made about us by taking a quick glance at our genitals when we were born.

    Edit: I know i’m sounding confrontational here, but people just aren’t aware of how seriously enbiephobic this kind of shit is. AMAB and AFAB were coined as terms that highlight how arbitrary these assignments are, not as politically correct euphemisms for the gender essentialist, binary enforcing bs you’re doing there. Cis people should be extremely careful when using these terms, there’s basically no reason to outside of very limited medical contexts. They should especially not do ultra gross shit like equating cis men and trans women in the way you do, that’s so fucking yikes. And i’m not even getting into your erasure of nonbinary transmasc people. You need to do some serious self crit, comrade.

  • I am now observing that we are now 3 He/Hims telling disagreeing with someone on their argument about misogyny. Which is one of those “Bad looks”.

    I overwhelmingly agree with the guys in this thread. SWERF shit is also full of misogyny, whether it’s the open misogyny of men criticizing sex workers or the internalized misogyny of radfems patronizing them.

    It’s just that it’s really hard to speak out against it for me when i know that misogynists, particularly from instances with an open anti sex work consensus, might object to my take and start moralizing me like they did when i commented on the subject with an older account of mine. I seriously don’t feel safe pitching in on the issue when a certain type of leftist, usually men who will use a token anti sex work woman they supposedly know as a shield, might be nearby. I deleted the reply i originally typed out because of this because i just don’t have the nerve to start debating that kind of person rn.