Awoo [she/her]


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  • 64 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • I think it’s enough to remove a leg so yeah I think it could blow a hole in the hull too.

    Also, a hole in the hull shouldn’t cause a crash

    Huh I thought it would be more likely to if an explosive depressurisation occurred but apparently not. It would be a means of taking over the plane and pacifying the passengers though, since once pressurisation has been lost the passengers will require oxygen masks in order to remain conscious as long as the plane stays at high altitude. This would force passengers to stay seated, they’d only be able to attempt to regain control of the plane once the altitude has been reduced which presumably would only occur when you’re near your destination.

    So yeah with like 2 of these devices I think you could take over a plane. One for cockpit entry because they lock the cockpits these days, and another for depressurising the plane and terrorising the passengers.

  • If you held the pager in your hand you’d lose the hand and burn your body.

    If you had it on your waist your pelvis is getting blown out.

    Small but powerful explosion. Think of it like holding a powerful firework vs that firework going off 1 meter from you. You’ll be fine (but stunned and bruised) by the nearby explosion vs you will be seriously harmed if it’s touching you. That’s the difference. People wearing these things were put in critical condition in the hospital or outright killed, others were luckier.

    On a flight you could use it to break into the cockpit. It would easily blow the lock on a door if you taped it to the door. Or you could blow the door or window of the plane and crash it. With more than one you could take over a plane, I’m not convinced that passengers these days would sit nicely for anyone doing so though after the use of planes as suicide attacks. People would choose to fight.

  • How do you all find and digest information about Gaza, Lebanon, and the wider movement to oppose “Israeli” settlers and their American backers? Of course I personally ally absorb a mix of mainstream and primary sources, comparing e.g. Reuters to direct Hezbollah and PFLP statements. But how do you personally synthesize this information? Do you do it alone or as a group in your org?

    It’s not that dissimilar to here if I’m honest about it. People consuming a stream of information, learning to filter out the noise, discussing, and then gradually coalescing around certain thoughts. This tends to happen openly in the org spaces that cater to it and then also have an official group within the org that functions in a steering way. This might be a media section or a theory section, usually as a form of committee with people that have a degree of experience. One of the main things I’ve seen org members focusing on is trying to hone the ability to recognise what is bullshit and what isn’t. This has varying degrees of success tbh. I can’t speak for how exactly these groups synthesise the information and make decisions on steering because I’ve not actually been on one shocked-pikachu.

    For the second question. Mostly unanswerable, but it’s not illegal for money to go to Palestinians as long as people doing the donating are unaware of it going to a proscribed organisation like PFLP. The nuts and bolts of how you reach and convince an audience to donate money to [insert thing or person here] is not something I can elaborate on but anyone with a creative mind, friends in Palestine, and the willingness to bend the truth can probably come up with some ideas.

  • STATEMENT by Iran’s leader, Ayatollah Khamenei:

    The Zionist criminals should know that they are too small to cause significant damage to the strong construction of Hezbollah in Lebanon. All the resistance forces in the region are with Hezbollah & support it.

    The fate of this region will be determined by the resistance forces & at the head of them is the proud Hezbollah.

    Today, Lebanon, by the grace and power of God, will make the malicious and disgraceful aggressor regret its actions.

    It is the duty of all Muslims to stand with the people of Lebanon and the proud Hezbollah, using all their resources, and to assist them in their confrontation with the usurping, oppressive, and vile regime.

    EDIT: Another version that seems more reliable and thorough:

    — 🇮🇷 The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic, Ayatollah Khamenei, has released a statement:

    'The killing of defenseless people in Lebanon, on the one hand, once again revealed the ferocity of the Zionist rabid dogs to everyone, and on the other hand, it proved the short-sightedness and idiotic policy of the leaders of the usurping regime. The terrorist gang ruling the Zionist regime did not learn from their one-year criminal war in Gaza and failed to understand that the mass killing of women, children and civilians cannot affect the strong structure of the resistance’s organization and destroy it. Now they are trying the same foolish policy in Lebanon.

    The Zionist criminals should know that they are too small to cause significant damage to the strong structure of Hezbollah in Lebanon. All the resistance forces of the region are with Hezbollah and support it. The fate of this region will be determined by the resistance forces and at the head of them is the proud Hezbollah.

    The people of Lebanon have not forgotten that once upon a time, the military of the Zionist regime used to put Beirut under their boots. It was Hezbollah that cut off their legs and made Lebanon free and proud. Even today Lebanon will make the aggressor and evil dark enemies regret their actions.

    It is obligatory for all Muslims to stand proudly with the people of Lebanon and Hezbollah with all their resources and help it in confronting the usurping, cruel and evil regime.

  • Moody’s cuts Israel’s rating, warns of drop to ‘junk’

    Sept 27 (Reuters) - Moody’s on Friday downgraded Israel’s credit rating two notches to “Baa1” from “A2” and maintained a negative outlook amid escalation of the conflict in the region with Lebanese armed group Hezbollah.

    “The key driver for the downgrade is our view that geopolitical risk has intensified significantly further, to very high levels, with material negative consequences for Israel’s creditworthiness in both the near and longer term,” Moody’s said.

    The downgrade kept Israel’s rating three notches into investment grade. However, Moody’s warned that uncertainties over the country’s security and its longer-term economic growth prospects “are much higher than is typical at the Baa rating level.” A drop below that level would mean Israel would lose its investment grade rating.

    “The ratings would likely be downgraded further, potentially by multiple notches, if the current heightened tensions with Hezbollah turned into a full-scale conflict,” Moody’s said.

    Typically, a loss of investment grade rating means a spike in the cost of servicing debt, and it could force some investors to sell their holdings - further pressuring lower the market price of Israel’s bonds.

    Rating agency Fitch downgraded Israel’s credit rating to “A” from “A-plus” last month, and kept the rating outlook negative.