BynarsAreOk [none/use name]

  • 6 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 16th, 2021


  • You have people running around saying the series is anti-war or whatever the fuck. Maybe you can find some buried recordings with the characters talking about some CIA op to topple governments or something. It is not front-and-center.

    MGS 4’s theme is literaly about how the war economy has pretty much destroyed the world and created hell on earth for Private Military Contractors. This is hte continuation of MGS 2 where the “government” is controled by some shadow group that controls the media and manufactures popular consent, an explicit condemnation of US democracy and an exposition of the ties between capitalists the Patriots, the media and the MIC. MGS 2 successfuly predicts the modern internet almost 100% correctly.

    The literal title refers to a WMD created by the US MIC to push MAD to the highest stakes even though Kojima himself explains way back in MGS 1 how the post cold war status quo lead to nuclear disarmament and an attempt to control nuclear proliferation. The existence of MG is a commentary on how the US ignores and sabotages their own foreign policy just out of psychopathy and capitalist greed. The fact he is Japanese serves as an even bigger factor given their national trauma. The fact is the US would do another Hiroshima under the right circumstances. Kojima definitely says paraphrasing Baker(MGS) “nuclear war is closer now than ever”.

    Of course Baker isn’t correct, nuclear war isn’t going to come from some random small country(DPRK, Iran etc), the point though is to observe he perfectly represents the delusion and obsession with maintaining hegemony and their superpower status. As he says “we need a weapon of overwhelming power”, except they don’t.

    That is the politics of MGS, a small part of it even.

    But that loser manchild of a fascist gamer meant “political” strictly defined as the modern american cultural war BS. You should be aware of Ocelot/Snake. That is what they fear. They’re not talking about the finer points of the US military industrial complex lol.

  • The only thing I care about is I’m 100% sure China will be brought in several topics and

    100% Both candidates will call Xi a dictator.

    100% Both will say the US needs to be tougher on China. Trump will remember his “trade war” and call it a great success. Biden will call the Russia related sanctions a great success and both will promise more.

    100% both will say some lipservice BS about protecting “American jobs” and this is why they need to be more racist.

    60% Trump will say he has a great relationship with Xi Kim because he will mix them up.

    75% Xinjiang or “Chinese slave labor/genocide” will be brought up.

    100% Taiwan support for “democracy” will be mentioned and both will support it unconditionally.

    30% Taiwan independence will be brought up specificaly and if the CPC still got any delusions about avoiding a war for Taiwan this should be their wake up call. There wont be any further excuses when literaly both candidates call and promise to support it.

  • AP looks realy good on combat and exploration but I don’t have much hope for longevity once the novelty wears off, as a live service what makes you come back after you “finish” the game? I’m not sure what is going to be the long term appeal of AP. Its like back in 2008 all these games must fight against WoW players deeply entrenched in their raiding guilds or RP servers, nothing will make them switch games because of the absurd sunk cost or social connections even if WoW was already stagnating, and HYV isn’t even stagnating yet.

  • Not playing it and I’m sort of biased because I’m looking forward to ZZZ apparently on July 4th or so and that is a direct competitor.

    From the reactions so far I think despite the terrible launch it will just float around the mid-high tier earnings charts, below HYV games and maybe they’ll be happy to make FGO/Nikke level revenue.

    The discourse is funny specialy from the CN side. CN mobile gaming is at an inflection point though, stupid people hyped this as the GI killer but realisticaly there is nothing to look forward now, HYV continues to dominate as predicted, which is awesome if you like their stuff but something something late stage capitalism monopoly.

    This launch just shows how much investment and capital realy matters, to compete with HYV you need a lot of money and actualy invest into a massive technology stack(basicaly their own Unity version btw), massive repeating content, artists/musicians, community building and now even moving into other media(their own animation studio).

    Its funny to watch history repeat again sort of how everyone wanted to copy WoW and failed, now lots of gachas want to copy GI and fail etc. Only Blizzard is stupid and HYV is actualy a decently smart company that actualy invests into themselves and not just hoard cash to get rich.

    But I think WW will be fine if they keep up over the years.

  • One of the hurdles here is certainly going to be how are you actualy going to differentiate yourself as something other than another random colony sim or budget city builder.

    Its not trivial, I actualy played the base Surviving Mars game but did not buy the DLC, you should look into the difficulties they had, but one of the biggest one on release was they had this complicated individual colonist simulation where each citizen had his own home and workplace and immidiately that raised the problem of transportation and it crashed heavily with the idea of individual mostly self-sustaining domes on Mars, something as trivial as allowing people to move between domes and suddenly you break a major premise i.e its not realy civilization’s edge if you can have that much freedom.

    Eventualy they fixed their game, they decided to compromise the original design for the sake of what the players wanted(i.e realy just a flavorful citybuilder not a deeply realistic take on colonization) overall I haven’t come back but the consensus is its a good game.

    But there was hilarious things like oh your colonists also age, so now we need to create dedicated retirement domes because otherwise it fucks the economy.

    I mention all of this because an arcology means some very big restrictions on what agents inside the game will be able to do and as an extention a big restriction on how you want the players behave. This is quite a dangerous minefield, these genres say they’re about having the freedom to build and do a lot of things so if you decide to have your cake and eat it aka "oh its another flavor of city builder but actualy you must play exactly how me the developer told you so then IDK about those prospects.

  • Juno New Origins was just on sale, I got it very cheap and its quite good. It doesn’t replace KSP 1 with mods but if you want a different more straight forward building style with added bonus of much better performance. Its also probably much easier to get into for a noob. However everything is procedural so you must enjoy messing with sliders a lot.

    Overall its quite underrated it seems after looking at the subreddit people are like “wow this is good why are people so obsessed with KSP 2 when this exists?” yeah about that…

    Also worth noting these same devs just announced Simple Planes 2 which I’m not familiar with but seems like basically the same but different? Worth checking maybe.

  • This article is corporate shit nonsense where he contradicts himself. He says the stuff made for Japan is now acceptable everywhere i.e Japan norms become mainstream and assures that things are not changing. But then he talks about “expressions” which is what exactly? Who knows, maybe this is a translation issue, but thinking a story about incest is about “expression” and not “storytelling” as he puts it then this is just nonsense, I mean literaly translation issue I guess. What is the interpretation supposed to be? Its fine to make a incest romcom just make sure to not include the steam covered baths, the beach episode and the pantyshot every episode? Yeah sure ok mr. Megacorpo shitter.

    “Now, however, the same fun and excitement can be experienced at the same time in any region,” he added. “That is how common Japanese animation has become around the world. What we thought was for the Japanese market is now accepted in all regions. I believe that the market has matured to that extent.”

    Their curiosity piqued by his mention of anime’s acceptance on the global stage, Mantanweb then asked Yawata,”Japanese animation has a history of unique evolution that is not found anywhere else. There is even a kind of radicalized expression. When it comes to distribution to the world, is it necessary to change the style?”

    In turn, the Disney exec opined, “I don’t think there has been any major shift. The fundamental storytelling, the precision of the action, etc. have not changed, but there may be a shift toward adopting more acceptable expressions.”

    In order to be seen by many people, expressions that do not hurt or mislead people should be taken for granted,” he continued. “That is not a negative thing, but perhaps an evolution. When videograms were the focus, there was a tendency for only those who wanted to buy them to do so, but our awareness is changing because we are now distributing to a larger market through a service that can be viewed at any time by adults and children alike.”

    What people are probably going to be concerned about is a sudden shift towards western audience preferences which a lot of people here give way too much credit for, I mean in one side we constantly shit on gamers, Gamer culture, AAA culture, all the hollywood trash, but then also unironically when fucking the western monolithic entertainment corp guys says they want more of that then its obvious good because you should assume good faith that they just mean less pedoshit and not more gamer or generic Netflix show#5154363446 and that is definitely an improvement.

    You can fight for better things without trying to pander to westerners questionable tastes either. Disney is not your damn friend. This clueless person is just trying to play both sides anyway. Disney wants shit to stream and their only values is whatever the marketing department says will pull numbers.