• 3 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 29th, 2023

  • I’ve been watching Majority Report with Sam Seder. Watched Breaking points since they were on the Rising with The Hill. Something just started to slowly change with them when they broke off. There’s the constant Ad’s (which is understandable, but was excessive), segments hidden behind a paywall, personalities started to change after surgery then Kyle Kulinski got heavily into the mix including romantically. I don’t know, just seemed the show started to take over the lives of the hosts, Sam and Emma have been a breathe of fresh air on Majority (even when Emma drinks a little too much lol). The show is their job and Sam is pretty professional, decent daily live show with clips of segments also being uploaded.

  • There is a sale this weekend at a nearby store, 2/10$ and It felt like the soda apocalypse in there with everyone running around grabbing up case after case. I don’t get it, one can and my mouth feels nasty while my body is demanding water to wash it down. I guess if your body is addicted to it you get a different reaction.

    The really disturbing part was seeing all the kids gleefully freaking out as they helped carry case after case (some could barely carry one case because they were so young). I have addictions myself and the parent’s purchase is their own prerogative, but I would never let my kid participate in my bad habits.

  • Seriously, thank you for taking the time to read and respond. The 3rd link is a long word salad of an article they probably could’ve done better with, some highlights:

    Another long, contentious new calendar process then might mean uncertainty with real electoral consequences — perhaps even making it difficult for Democrats running in a competitive presidential primary to know where to campaign, hire staff and advertise.

    “These early states really do condition the campaign. The early states don’t guarantee a winner, but they tell us who is going to lose, at least in the first rounds,” Redlawsk said. “The winnowing is very likely to be different if the first state is South Carolina, or Nevada, or some combination, than if it were Iowa or New Hampshire.”

    The party can try and mitigate that by starting its 2028 calendar discussions early, potentially even weeks after next year’s election. (we’ll see if this come to fruition)

    It’s effective when you take into consideration what DNC spokesmen require, "they did not reach the standards for their nomination: a candidacy that is “generally advocated and recognized in the news media,”.

    I can link articles and interviews by Bernie if you wish but I’m going to assume you know of the legal battles and statements made by him during the campaigning and after. “fall-in-line” is definitely my words, but then you go on to describe exactly what fall in line means. The term does come across as negative but the reality is he made declarative statements beforehand and has now changed his position in favor of what the DNC wishes to do… there are other terms I could use I guess but the general description is the same.

    I incorrectly assumed you were using the “this is a foreign bot” defense and were telling other people to not drink the kool-aid that I see used all the time so actual conversations can’t develop. It’s why I included the you and I part so I do apologize for that.

    I can’t come to the same conclusion you have with the data, I’ve pointed out just a few of the ways in which the DNC jerryrigs their primaries and candidates. We see the manipulation of media and the cost of running a candidacy which completely undermines any contender. We aren’t seeing any “viable challengers” because of decades of hurdles and organizations (both local and national) that limit those who are highlighted, which in turn allows the DNC to say “well we don’t think they have a chance so they’re not allowed to run”. It’s like a boxing match where every opponent of Biden’s has to wear weights and have their hands tied but “Biden would’ve won anyways because he’s the better boxer”.

  • more hand-waving, “anyone can make a video platform”. No, you need infrastructure, SEO attention, Creators, etc etc. You don’t just “decide” to run in elections, the bar for entry is beyond anything a citizen or even most politicians can accrue. Bernie Sanders fell in line a long time ago with the same party he openly said was unfairly treating elections. Vote Biden if that’s your choice and I fully support that, but we need to stop sugar coating and pretending everything is A-ok in the DNC if we ever want an elected official who represents the average voter in the party.

  • ok, I already got and agreed with the sentiment that propaganda media is the norm for America. My question is, how are you determining what is or isn’t propaganda being put forth by the media companies and articles you are presenting? Anyone can just say it’s the truth because they agree with it (look at qanon and general right wing media). What makes the reporting valid to you besides it’s apparent point of country origin?

    Personally, I just have no clue. I know tragedies occurred and every side will skew the truth for their own perspective (this isn’t even malicious sometimes, just seeing a situation play out differently i.e. police forcefully but respectfully removed citizens vs police brutalized and forced citizens to flee the area). I wasn’t there, so I wont argue any specific events but I don’t just inherently trust one news source over another.

  • ok, but serious question and I’m not trying to cause conflict but an actual conversation. How do you decide what is reliable and what is not when faced with two opposing sides? I agree that just calling anything conspiracy theory is negative and not helpful. But am I to just decide that “imperial core” is bad and all other media is the “truth”?

    I’ve gone through the links before that you’ve posted in the past. All I know is fucked up shit went down just like any protest of which the ruling class doesn’t like. Am I just to believe your links? The “wiki” page you linked states,

    The 1989 Tian’anmen Square riots (天安门事件) were a CIA-backed[1][2] attempt at a color revolution against the People’s Republic of China in 1989

    it just completely dismisses any complaint that was happening during the time as Carl Zha’s video explains the lead up to it. It doesn’t help that his reflection is from when he was 12 and living in another area. He even states at 24:70, “One of the deal(s) they made with the Chinese people is ok, you can do whatever you want as long as you don’t challenge the government.” He goes on to state that the reason the protests needed to stop was because of the economic collapse in the soviet union and fear of it happening in China, not because it wasn’t a worthy cause or change didn’t need to happen on a governmental level.

    Does western media blow protests out of proportion? Absolutely, just look at the Gaza protest coverage. Seems like the state media was doing the same thing with “snipers” being the reason to shoot into occupied residential buildings and a “malfunctioning vehicle” killing 11 by running them over at the square itself. Whether it’s been skewed or not, all of this just seems like brushing everything under a rug with some “normie” and America insults thrown in.

  • But either way, when you start, you just have to accept that something has a cause and effect.

    It is what it is, that’s the point I was trying to get across. People get held up on the why or how which is impossible to know without further studying because it’s not always intuitive to our perceived everyday experience.

    You know I didn’t really mean a “belief” right? Just the ability to let your mind sink in an experience or knowledge without first grasping the full concept “like ‘magic’”.

  • For me, it’s any community of Tradespeople. I can find relevant manufacturer and adjacent code regulations for modern equipment or building techniques anywhere online. The problem comes from obscure-ancient technology that was discontinued 60+ years ago, the only references to those are on Reddit and very specific forums.

    I recently ran into an electrical panel that was built in the 60’s and was promptly made illegal (split bus residential panel, no singular main disconnect switch). Even being trained and educated as an Electrical Engineer, it only gave me the ability to understand what the panel was doing, not the history and use cases of the past (since their use in residential applications is obsolete). I was able to find discussions between inspectors and electricians, how things played out with local authorities, and the on going debate of their practicality by actual professors discussing regulations and safety. I will miss these resources if they become unavailable at a future date (the whole enshitification process).

    That being said, places with higher than average traffic (like reddit now) tend to give a lot of crappy answers. Lot’s of diy’ers thinking their way is best (whether it’s code compliant or not), and others who don’t care about discussion and only want to say you’re doing it wrong because it’s not how they would do it (and nets them the highest profit margin on a job). There’s lots of owners out there that are probably afraid to ask a question now adays because of the responses (same linux community effect), even though the information around it could be important.