ChestRockwell [comrade/them, any]

  • 8 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • The girl who lept through time is low key heartbreaking (though romance isn’t the only part of it). It’s one that always got me very emotional, and the ending really guts you.

    The old school (very old school, 20yrs old for some of these now) Kyoto Animation eroge adaptations (Air, Kanon, Clannad) all had a lot of melancholy, though they’re all blurred together in my memory and I can’t remember which was the real tearjerker.

    Perhaps not as tragic, but melancholic to the core is Whisper of the Heart, a really good Ghibli film that foregrounds the romance.

    Like , I also have to every time emphasize Gunbuster and Diebuster. They’re mecha anime, but focused on the characters and like utena, the main relationships (especially in Diebuster) make me cry every time.

  • Sayonara Zetsubou-Sensei, Season 1 (2007, 12 Episodes) - This show apparently was a darling of weebs a decade ago, and it is not hard to see why. Edgyness, egregious fanservice, a cynical attitude towards society so typical of the 90s and apparently the 2000s too. The show provides critique that can sometimes hit at the core of the problem (including anticapitalist critique), and at the same time mock people who seek to do something about it. It’s hit and miss, but undeniably interesting. The unique artstyle, the music, the Maeda cameos are bonuses

    Great write up. I was watching it when it came out in college (I am one of those weebs). I’m so glad it’s still holding up, and I want to just say it’s the masterpiece of SHAFT/Shinbo style. If you are a Madoka fan, this show is required viewing.

    I’m mostly watching delicious in dungeon, which remains solid.

    Manga, I’ve been keeping up with the Oshi no Ko manga, which remains interesting. Also Kill Six Billion Demons, which is about to go on hiatus.

    I also recently powered through the finished Jitsu wa Watashi wa which, as far as high school romcoms go, is funny and cute. Pretty solid concept as well. The authors new manga (Kesa Mo Yuraretemasu) is good, has the potential to be really fun, but comes out at a snails pace.

    Aside from that, I’ve been meaning to marathon Frierin, but I need to VPN, etc.