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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • The quality of posts and responses since the “exodus” is completely apparent to any longtime reddit users. Admittedly elitist as it is, the spelling and grammar by it self has been base level evidence of that. Not to mention the myriad of other ways its taken a nosedive.

    Reddit has already been in decline for a long time, but from the few times I’ve checked since the protests it’s much worse now, and quickly getting even worse. And as you said, most of the people left there do not care which is disappointing.

    Unfortunately as optimistic as I was about lemmy, so far I’m not sold. Theres all of the same issues here if not more. We may have witnessed the birth and death of something really cool within a very short time (considering). Even if true options take a decade to build up I think it’s too late. The experiment has concluded.

    It makes me sad because reddit used to be a really cool place. Rules were about allowing truly contributive content to be disseminated. Up votes were for ideas that added to the conversation in a meaningful way. Downvotes were reserved not for points that were disagreed upon, but thoughts that did not add substance to the conversation. It was a much better community to be a part of back then. That environment just doesn’t exist anymore on a broad level.

  • Have family that is in fire… all right or far right.

    What always confuses me is that they’re one of the highest paid unions in my state. And yet they constantly bitch about socialism.

    Same arguments from people I know in the trades, especially electricians.

    Do they not know what unions are? How they were formed? Do they not understand how they pay into a big pool so they all get benefits? Aka SOCIALISM???

    Here’s to being one of the good ones bud. Keep doing what you’re doing and fuck the idiots. Keep your head down and retire early.

    Edit: I have to add that they’re always buddy buddy with law enforcement, who are also massively union. Who also are all right or far right. Makes no sense in my mind.

  • Awesome!

    The other thing might be the amount of sun it’s getting. My pepper plant leaves start to yellow and fall when they’re getting too much sun. I recently moved them to a shadier part of the yard and the yellowing has definitely decreased.

    Only other thing I can think of is Temps. My hydrangea plant is absolutely hating the super hot weather we’ve been having lately and dropped more than half its leaves also. Not much you can do about that outside of moving it inside if its potted.

    Sorry just going through all the issues I’ve had that were similar.

  • As someone who’s lost their partner recently, this is exactly right. My favorite shows used to be medical ones and I cannot even see a commercial in a medical setting without getting pulled back to that day instantly. I was diagnosed with Complex PTSD because of the experience.

    Sounds like OP has PTSD also. Meds and therapy for him and her, especially couples therapy, would be what’s needed. Don’t know what that looks like in a 3rd world country though.