Being an extremist means having any more nuanced view than “stalin just loved doing evil things for absolutely no reason”
Being an extremist means having any more nuanced view than “stalin just loved doing evil things for absolutely no reason”
Stalin was a communist revolutionary who played an integral role in the creation of the USSR. Putin is a liberal counterrevolutionary, who is partly responsible for hypercapitalist modern Russia, the two are not comparable at all.
If by “he sure is like stalin”, you mean he employs violence to maintain and consolidate power, that’s every state ever, that’s kinda how states work.
If the USA government thinks countries in the world do not have options to trade, it’s their mistake
Any country that is not prepared to get the Venezuala/Cuba/Iran/Russia/North Korea treatment will do what the US tells it.
Both democrats and republicans believe Latinos owe allegiance to the democrat party.
Why doesn’t the article tell us exactly what those demands are? Last time the sticking point was that Israel would resume bombing in 2 weeks and continue occupying parts of Gaza.
Putin is not a tankie; the dude is a literal billionaire who participated in gutting the USSR. How well did the haute bourgeosie fare under Lenin or Mao?
Hamas was supported by Israel to fight Fatah, not the PA. The Palestinian Authority is an Israeli puppet.
It’s in response to a pakistan airstrike that killed 46 people.
Do you think the conflict in Palestine is over religion too?