• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I did haha whoops

    Though I also feel them on the dad forcing you to do manly stuff. My dad was always like “why don’t you have a girlfriend yet” constantly since I was 9 or “you should play sports not play on the computer” n shit like that. He doesn’t do any of that now that my computer stuff has me making more money than him though haha fuck you dad

  • I know I’m not the fucking arbiter of news my dude I literally said IMO.

    IMO = in my opinion

    There you go, you learned something new. I’m not a mod I’m not calling for this post to be removed I’m just saying in MY OPINION it’s not global news.

    Edit: to add onto this point I appreciate that you think it might change some people’s opinions on this anti vaxx stuff but after dealing with my mom’s anti vaxx bullshit I really think anyone who’s dumb enough to believe in this shit won’t be swayed by someone losing their medical license they will just point to it and be like “SEE THE GOVERNMENTS ARE TRYING TO SUPPRESS US! ITS A CONSPIRACY!!”

    Every time something like this is in the news my mum just believes her crazy shit even more. It gives credibility that the news and government are colluding somehow.

  • This is such a bad argument.

    “You don’t know who this one conspiracy theorist is so clearly your incapable of understanding that we need to make news about fucking nutjobs everytime they are a nutjobs so that they get more exposure”

    How is it even news that she lost her job which she obviously should have lost?

    “Hey guys, we got some hot news! The surgeon who fainted whenever he saw blood lost his job!”

    Wow thanks for the news, very exciting, very unexpected, it’s totally gonna change things on a global scale for the foreseeable future. Nothing more world changing than someone getting fired for incompetency.

  • I have no idea who Andrew Wakefield is, I honestly think making news articles about these people is just giving them more of a platform, and something to point at and be like “SEE THEY ARE OUT TO GET ME!! IM THE VICTIM”.

    Dumb anti vaxxers are everywhere but I doubt an antivaxxer in Bangladesh knows who these people are. Also the whole anti vax thing died out after restrictions were relaxed and it’s barely important news hearing more of this bullshit we’ve heard about for years when it’s less relevant than ever.

    Not global news IMO.