DerEwigeAtheist [she/her, comrade/them]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 28th, 2020


  • What tge person in the post there is doing isn’t working. Replacing the names in a way that still provides the same context(which is your proposal) would need you to understand exactly why each name is used each time, it is more exhausting than just learning the names. The translation also left the names in place, they didn’t try to translate it, because that is a ludicrous idea. I am not sure it is possible.

  • Engaging with the cultural context of a classic novel is part of reading it. Of course it can be difficult, but it is a russian piece of literature. It is an integral part of what it is, on a conceptual level. If you take that away you have a fundamentally different work. What’s the poin then? This is not about ability, at least I don’t think so, there is a glossary is there after all(in the better translations at least).

    Like, I agree, fuck the names of obscure political groups from a hundred years ago. Outside of specific contexts they are generally not needed for understanding the theory. But theory is not a narrative novel.

  • Went underprepared into a mountain somewhere in the caucasus. Didn’t have the right shoes, no sticks, and didn’t expect big, sharp rocks hidden under a thin layer of snow. If I had injured my ankles(very possible) I would have had to crawl back to civilisation. There would have been no rescue. Also some local told us that the hike was very easy. In the end I let my companion finish the hardest part of the hike himself and waited for him, and got back without injury.

    Another time I was on a short hike with some lowland people in Kyrgystan, and when the weather started to turn, and snow flurries started to appear. I almost begged them to turn around, we were at 3500 metres above sea level, and I knew enough to not risk anything. They laughed and went on. They thought that there was no danger, and that bothing could happen. We did turn back early at least, and 2 to 3 hours later the flurries turned into a storm, that would have been very dangerous if we had still been outside, especially for people with 0 hiking experience(like my two compagnions). Those two never realized the danger we were in and I hope they never go on a mountain again.

    I did a lot of dangerous mountaineering stunts while foraging for mushrooms as a child. Falling to your death is a common end around here for people who collect mushrooms, so I am [n good company. Did teach me how to navigate horrible terrain tough.