Dr_Gabriel_Aby [none/use name]

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 6th, 2023


  • https://thecritic.co.uk/issues/november-2021/the-american-who-let-the-nazis-rebuild-germany/

    No debate on American Industrialists, Brothers by Stephen Kinzer is a good book. John Foster Dulles and Sullivan & Cromwell financially supported IG Farben and their collaboration is what saved the creators of Zyklon B from receiving justice.

    Also I am not sure Adam Tooze would agree that Wages of Destruction or The Deluge don’t show American financial support for Nazis, because I’m pretty sure that the financial support of Americans was in the books.

    As for the communist/social democrat infighting, I think it’s just a matter of semantics.

    If you are a communist, you look at 1919 as the injustice done to severe ties with the social democrats. Between 1919-1923, when the SDP was the leading coalition, hundreds of communists leaders were assassinated without punishments. From 1929-1933, the Weimar Republic could not form a working government. If you were living at the time, what Hitler did seemed incredibly unlike.

    If you are not a communist, you just duck your head on the earlier details and focus on the one thing that matters to you, electoratism. In a lib brain not voting is the equivalent of murder….

  • Okay so my basic understanding is that Jews living in Europe wanted their own state and the only serious option being put forward was Crimea. Crimea was essential to USSR military and the biggest voices advocating for it were killed/deported. Crimea was not an option, but the majority of Jews still remained in Eastern Europe.

    After living through the Holocaust, Stalin worried that Eastern Europe would remain a tinder box of ethnic nationalism and thought the best idea was moving them to another place outside the Soviet Union. Palestine made the most sense at the time because it is the area westerners wanted and it was outside Stalin sphere of influence.

    Edit: Stalins number one goals from 1945 till his death was rebuilding the Soviet Union and keeping peace with the west until strength was rebuilt.