EelBolshevikism [none/use name]

  • 4 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: February 16th, 2024


  • quilt primarily split because the other modloaders are made by bigots. this is why doctor4t decided to only use Quilt, because Fabric has weird transphobes on it as far as I remember and the forge team is just full of weirdos. Doctor4t says this explicitly on the Effective mod page. plus quilt is literally compatible with 99% of fabric mods so it’s kind of pointless to get up in arms about it. i’ve used primarily quilt for modding as of recent and have found exactly 1 incompatible mod, which isn’t even really incompatible, seems to just be a side effect of quilt waiting for 1.21 to start updating and patching it

    also the forge/fabric split was somewhat justified too. fabric is comically less bloated and boots way faster than any forge setup. lexmanos is generally an asshole (and bigot afaik) hence NeoForge, and that isn’t really shaping up to be much of a split because pretty much everyone seems to just accept NeoForge as the new forge now.

    also the reason people say not to ask for forge ports is because they’re doing this stuff in their free time and it takes fucking ages to port something to an entirely new platform

  • That’s a really important difference tho, though ofc as someone born in Settler Hell I mean Amerikkka I mean the US I am going to probably have some sort of crakkker bias. It’s just that someone who misses their complicity in evil specifically designed to be harder to notice is blatantly less evil than someone who is seeing it very obviously and is endorsing it. I’m still profiting off the stolen spoils of genocide, yeah, and I think that’s morally fucked up, but no one I know (that isn’t otherwise a piece of shit) would endorse anything like the genocide of Palestinian people.

    I still agree with the general point that “unlimited genocide” on the Israeli populace when taken entirely is a weird position, but I always read statements like that as a bit anyway, especially because there are presumably Israeli people who have draft dodged etc just by the law of large numbers

  • I don’t think having a strong reaction is the same thing as staring. Idk if that helps but I don’t think most people would be uncomfortable with someone having a “w-whoa!” reaction, especially when you consider most have an awooga reaction

    Edit: Being visibly struck with awe is different from leering at someone’s boobs or something. Ones basically just surprise while another is a directed and objectifying gaze