Eris235 [undecided]

  • 4 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: December 17th, 2020


  • Can’t relate; I do think its pretty boring. Its up there with like; clubbing or bar culture. I don’t hate it, but I’m left wishing it was just like, a house party or something, somewhere less loud and crowded.

    I don’t shit on sportsfans or anything, I just can’t understand why its enjoyable to watch. But like, there’s lots of hobbies I don’t ‘get’, so I’m not judging people for liking things I don’t. And I do like playing sports, generally speaking.

  • I didn’t care for it. Very much ‘skill issue’, but all the games I’ve played so far against people has felt like I lost the game in the first 10 minutes, and then had to endure 30 minutes of getting my balls stepped on for the game to end, since there’s no surrender option, and didn’t feel like there’s any ‘comeback’ mechanics, but also the winning team feels like it takes a while to actually secure victory.

    Compared to League of Legends (which I haven’t played in years, but did rack up many hours back in college), where a) you can surrender, and more importantly b) its possible to win quite quickly, both from just being ahead, but also from doing a cheeky ‘backdoor’.

    Deadlock, it feels like the ‘securing victory’ route requiring minions, and also just being a multistage affair with mandatory wait periods in between, just makes it feel like a slog, both being on the winning or losing side.

  • Thank you for the answer! That makes it a lot more clear what’s going on; the impression I got from the marketing material was kind of all over the place and made it seem a “do everything” mess.

    Probably not the game for me? Sounds like I might like 2/5s of the core gameplay, but also probably will mildly to strongly dislike another 2/5s. I like puzzles and platforming, but I find hack and slash combat extremely boring. I do like that there’s no ‘timed social links’ like in Personal; one of like 3 major reasons why I don’t like those games.

  • I don’t say this to go to bat for Kamala, but like, I think she absolutely has better odds of winning the election than Biden.

    Like, so much electoralism is ‘vibes’. People have pointed to her polling worse than Biden as some ‘gotcha’ over her being a weaker candidate, but like, if she’s only polling a point or two worse that Biden, despite not campaigning or doing anything at all, that says a lot about how weak of a candidate Biden is/was.

    Not saying I expect Kamala to like, ‘slay queen’ or whatever the fuck, but like, if she can not be a zombie corpse on stage, she can earn some ‘points’ back.

    I guess we’ll see; she is a weird alien in some ways, and maybe that will kill her vibes or w/e. (which, mocking her weird laugh is dumb, as dumb as mocking trump for ‘lol he orange’ instead of y’know, the fascism, but ‘politicians not be weird’ is definitely a bar the average voter cares about.)

  • I generally agree. I’m condensing a lot of policy into a sentence. Its also complicated, due to the interplay of capital in the mix; all of us are generally selling our bodies for money one way or the other. Not that all work is equally harmful obviously, or equally ‘work’. There’s a lot of ‘job’ that are 95%+ bullshit, and sexwork is one of those; it doesn’t need to be done, its only because of demand in the form of $ that it ‘needs’ to exist.

    So there’s the question of, 'what should be done right now, and what should be done in an ideal scenario. Because ideally, demand for a thing shouldn’t make that thing exist. Powerful men A) shouldn’t exist, and B) shouldn’t be able to just ‘demand’ sex via throwing dollars at the problem.

    But also, until this system is dismantled, there will be powerful men throwing money around to get sex, and there will be women who want that money badly enough to accept it. I don’t think there’s any policy that can make that not happen, so decriminalizing it to make it safe, to help the women, is the obvious short term play.

  • You right, ‘mock’ is much more what I meant.

    But regardless, I think the vast majority of games with sexy horny are doing it just for sales. I feel like there’s only rarely merit to it beyond titillation, and it just feels like empty glitter. Does that mean these games have nothing besides sex to offer? No, there’s games I’ve liked where I’ve had to roll my eyes at much of the visuals. But that’s not going to stop me from dunking on the visuals. Because Yoko Taro is unabashedly horny on main, and while I don’t think the design of 2b is good, I think his design work on Kainé is far worse. From what I’ve heard, her story is ‘good’, but the outfit, Yoko’s comments about her penis, and the ‘achievement’ you get for trying to look up her skirt are all deeply disgusting to me.

  • I mean, I’m more or less like that.

    In short, I think both should be legal. In regards to sexwork and porn, its mostly because it will happen regardless, might as well make it as safe as possible for the people at risk.

    But like, I’d still generally condemn someone for regularly purchasing sex, just as I would to someone who only plays coombrained games (not that those two things are ‘equivalently bad’ mind).

    People should be allowed to make, and consume, bad media, and also people should be allowed to dunk on them for liking bad media.