Evilphd666 [he/him, comrade/them]

  • 350 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: November 24th, 2022


  • This has been brought up a few times and idk why is keeps need to be mentioned. Probably because we’re in the middle of another culture war, red scare and Lavender scare.

    In conservative circles they use Hitler’s circle or Holocoqust denial (denial of severity of the persecution of queers or erasure of it) as a root to try to paint all gay men /queer people as inherrently evil and predatory. It would be suprising if they try to do this again.

    There is a notorius discredited book called The Pink Swastika by Scott Lively cw extreme queerphobia. It greatly exaggerates queers in the Nazi leadership. The book was used by conservatives to justify queephobic laws and discrimination.

    The authors of the book are Kevin Abrams, and Scott Lively, an American right-wing activist who worked for Oregon Citizens Alliance (loosely affiliated with the Christian Coalition of America) and Abiding Truth Ministries. Lively is best known for his international anti-gay activism; he campaigned for the Russian gay propaganda law and his 2009 tour in Uganda was one of the motives for Uganda’s so-called “Kill the Gays” bill. The book was published after Measure 9, an unsuccessful Oregon ballot measure to repeal gay rights.


    The myth that Nazis condoned or promoted homosexuality sprang up as a slander against Nazi leaders by their socialist opponents in the 1930s. Only one of the half-dozen leaders in Hitler’s inner circle, Ernest Rohm, is believed by credible historians to have been gay.

    The “gay Nazi” slander stuck, though, partly because German laws against homosexuals remained in place for a quarter of a century after World War II ended. That effectively silenced many homosexual victims of the Holocaust from telling their stories. A landmark survivor’s memoir, The Men With the Pink Triangle, began to break that silence in 1972.

    There is no question that the Nazis saw homosexuality as one aspect of the “removed” they were determined to extinguish. When it came to power in 1933, the Nazi Party moved quickly to strengthen Germany’s existing penalties against homosexuality. On Oct. 11, 1936, Hitler’s security chief, Heinrich Himmler, went further, announcing that homosexuality was to be “eliminated” in Germany, along with miscegenation between the races.

    In 1942, the death penalty was instituted for homosexuality. Offenders in the German military were routinely shot. “That wasn’t a punishment,” Himmler explained, “but simply the extinguishing of abnormal life. It had to be got rid of, just as we pull out weeds, throw them on a heap, and burn them.”

  • Pretty much every pro-Israel liberal I know is still voting for Biden. The people in both Israel and the United States that are supporting/choosing Trump are nothing short of disgusting. They’re willing to give up:

    What little semblance of this bullshit of a bourgeoise “democracy” we have left to fascists just so Israel can genocide more freely

    • All LGBTQ+ protections just so Israel can genocide more freely

    • Women’s rights just so Israel can genocide more freely

    • Freedom to protest in the United States just so Israel can genocide more freely

    • Allowing open Nazis in the U.S. government just so Israel can genocide more freely

    maybe-later-honey This is why I’m going to hold my nose, get drunk and high, and do whatever else it takes to make myself vote Biden.

    My LIB in shit those are already gone in actions and in deed under brandon. You choose tp ignore it because his pete-eat jokermala wingmen say colorful fluffy plattidues.

    vote is as bad as an alcoholic in denial during severe withdrawl.

    What comes after DaBiden geniuses? More the-democrat? What’s going to happen the 8 years after more polite genocide and testing nuclear Armageddon with nuclear powers to satisfy that crack MIC Cold War spending itch? You think the Red states are going to magically flip? Especially with this DNC strategy of Pied Piper propping up of radical fascists to slip in a more polite fascist and not do anything for the left?

    Then you have the insufferable DSA AOCIA AyyyyyOC-big and cpusa CPUSA turncoats sucking up leftist energy and throwing away at the sisyphus motion of giving life support to the DNC thinking that’s ever going to change while fucking the rest of us and future generations by kicking the can down the road. Then they cry when the Republicans inevitably get back in charge about how mean they are in the sick rachet effect to fascism.