Star Wars Enjoyer

One of Lemmygrad’s original admins


He/Him Firearms, Engineer, Jewish

  • 132 Posts
Joined 6 years ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2019

  • -Palpatine’s goal is to create the empire

    -How do?

    -Have a career as a Nabooian politician and a strong advocate for Galactic Republicanism

    -Create a plot to assassinate the Queen of Naboo, when it fails unleash an attempted takeover of Naboo using the Trade Federation.

    -When that fails, convince the Queen of Naboo to abdicate the throne and become a senator.

    -Convince people associated with the events on Naboo to support your rise to Chancellor.

    -By golly it worked.

    -Need more power in government

    -Get the dumbass Gungan to argue for emergency powers for the Chancellor after you start the clone wars (Galactic Civil War).

    -Use the Galactic Civil War to keep prying more and more power into your position.

    -Also Use the Galactic Civil War to keep the Jedi distracted, so other parts of the plan can go into effect

    -When the Jedi realize you’ve been a sithlord the whole time, because you told the guy you groomed since he was a child, kill off the Jedi and the leadership of the CIS, and declare yourself as the sole leader of the Republic under even more special, even more emergency situations.

    -Empire? Created. Jedi? Dead. Hotel? Trivago.

    It’s a story about the rise of Fascism.

  • if you look in the modlog, you’ll see why. I was the one who did the ban.

    But to sum, they posted an image of a rotund master chief, as stated by someone else in the comments. Then tried to complain about “wokewashing” in gaming, a far-right dog whistle about how the “woke media” is ruining gaming because they… ya know… depict women as human beings, include people of colour, and have gay characters. Specifically, they were complaining about Concord. A game that was released and then instantly pulled from markets because the far-right complained about it.

    While I was investigating this, I found that they had a habit of posting/commenting reactionary things without context or reasoning, and getting things removed from communities for it. Including the N-word, sinophobia and gore, etc. That kind of behaviour can’t stand, and it had gone on for too long.

  • This reads like a man who is grasping for anything.

    This reads like a man who is slowly losing his mind.

    “woe is me, because we legally gave up our nuclear weapons as part of international treaties Russia is liberating ethnic Russians who we were bombing en-mass. why us? pls give us membership in NATO and turn this into a world war, I promise you’ll benefit”

  • You’ve had comments removed before for fascist apologia and hate speech. That’s not what you’ve done here, but let’s get this straight.

    The Vietnamese wars started in 1946 against the French Colonialist government, and American involvement began in 1955 with their illegal invasion beginning in 1965. That uncle, regardless of where he’s placed in time, would’ve been a Colonial policeman. I.E. A supporter of the French government and opposed Ho Chi Minh’s revolution. It would not, therefore, be unlikely for the rest of his family to be of the same opinion. If they got harsh treatment - and I don’t believe they did without evidence - it would likely have been on the basis of their counter-revolutionary nature.

    Many immigrants from “enemy” nations will feel compelled to lie about conditions in their home countries, in an effort to be accepted by our white supremacist culture. And that one reads exactly like the kind of stuff someone in that position would say.