Licensed Shitposter

My life in the depths of the internet has been long and tiring. My free-time profession as a professional shitposter didn’t make it any easier. Quite contrary. The hate and discrimination against my guild has always been a hard fight, but in retroperspective, it has been worth it.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • September 2025 are elections. Hopefully with a government more concerned with wise economic decisions.

    Germany has stumbled into multiple enormous problems at once.

    Fucked up demographic change. Fucked up Refugee crisis and decided just to let everyone in because they don’t know what else to do. Fucked up nuclear energy because of mass media brain washing + hysteria. Replaced nuclear with almost 100% Russian gas. Now without Russian gas, our second most important industry, the chemical Industry, one of the most energy consuming branches of industry, can no longer compete with international prices. Furthermore climate change ideologies have pushed an agenda against the combustion engine, crippling german industry further to compete with EV against the much stronger Asians. All that while germanys carbon emissions in the global picture are insignificant. Meanwhile the current government is pushing identity politics, or rather ignoring concerning developments of irrational ideologies pushed onto kids. 

    The past governments and the current one have continued further and further to dismantle the civil service. Meaning we lack an immense amount of teachers, doctors, pharmacists, policemen, soldiers - civil service in Germany means you are working exclusively for the state and loose some liberties in exchange, but gain others. It made some jobs more appealing - Better pay for teachers, fixed position of doctors - this also meant that some doctors would accept critical operations, because they knew that if they failed, they wouldn’t get fired. In a completely open marked, a doctor only touches a patient if he is 110% sure that it will work out fine. They do not take any risk because a bad statistic will make them unemployable. And they fear to be sued.

    These positions were dismantled continuously over the years.

    Overall Germany is currently going through a very unpleasant change towards a more American society.

  • I got banned on Reddit for arguing that I am for a rational perception of the world. In a civil argument I stated that claiming that a trans woman is a real women is irrational, emotional and ideological. someone asked why people are transphobic and I answered why I am „transphobic“.

    I assume that I got mass reported and then I got banned for harassment.

    Maybe I became a little insensitive, but why sugarcoat everything? Words can hurt, especially if they are true.

  • Oof. Dark humour hits hard. Still… poor people. Always sad to see people incapable to accept themselves the way they are.

    I think it’s even scary that people are willing to take drugs and use plastic surgery to to just look a certain way.

    I was born a man and I am living my life, with all the advantages and all the disadvantages that come with it.

    If I was born a woman, I’d live my life the way I was born with all the advantages and all the disadvantages that come with it.

    Life is a fight no matter what. I don’t think you should cripple yourself for combat (not just physically but also socially. I wouldn’t modify my body in a way that would be socially inadequate). It’s just a bad strategy.