Yeah, that’s why I’ve started liking the idea of long rests are a week of rest, with short rests being a single night.
Really makes the resources a lot more precious if you’re not getting them back during the same session. So many times of players being like, “whelp, I just burnt five spells, let’s long rest”
What I should be doing is if you’re long resting in the dungeon is having monsters show up, but I can literally see my players eyes glaze over when it’s a random encounter like that.
I played in one campaign where I had to track arrows. It was a homebrewed world where anything outside of cities was extremely dangerous. We found eventually that the reason why was all the good gods had died, as this devouring entity had started eating them and then had gotten trapped, which let evil go unchecked.
It was a lot of fun, my character would have to go out and sneak around to find good wood for arrows and he spent his time during watches crafting more arrows.