HelltakerHomosexual [she/her, comrade/them]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: February 21st, 2024


  • I think this depends on the type of path they have? Like they’ll budget their route to walk for up to X amount of time to reach a location, and the distance is determined by how far they walk in that time? The furthest I’m seeing for “within walking distance” of some buildings is just over 450m with the full 100% walking speed paths along the whole route. Unless this is further modified by a game setting - I went into the campaign (not the tutorial one) with whatever settings it defaults to.

    no you’re correct thats right

    And to answer my own question: they do seem to just teleport home when they finish a task, they don’t gather to be brought back. That’s another unintuitive thing coming from Cities: Skylines, that traffic isn’t like a back and forth sort of thing for anything but the dedicated vehicles that go through specific routes. Maybe citizens with personal cars are different? Or maybe this a mechanic hidden behind one of the settings, idk.

    for me my experience is much different. they stay there until a bus brings them back close enough to walk home

    again i heavily recommend the videos i sent, im basically parroting it to answer you rn

  • uh you use busses, there are bus stations where you place to coordinate routes. people walk only a certain distance of i think 100 meteres, so you must use public transport to sort of ferry them over there. you get a bus depot, buy the busses, and then assign them all routes there. You could also buy them from the commerce building that you link your roads to (your road must be connected to the main city for this to work). at the beginning you should have like 4 or 5 busses; one or 2 for transit around the city, the others moving between the main city and the work site.

    important side note, put the factories a good distance away from the city so that the population doesn’t get health issues.

    trains i have not figured them out fuck those things. they’re nice when they work out but getting them to work is fucking hard. you have to figure out the whole fucking train light system.

    too much to explain watch intro videos by bballjo

    soviet republic workers and resources is incredibly complicated and often vital mechanics are not explained at all and hidden among the rest of a bunch of nonsense. you need someone to hold your hand through the first bit, as any good soviet planner does. it takes an hour just to set up your first city and thats just with realistic mode off. Intro videos by BBalljo are even recommended by the literal developers lmao.

    Its a good game, and fucking worth it when it all fits together in the most sensible and functional symphony of industrial might and technological progress.