Hexagons [e/em/eir]

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023

  • I understand your point of view more than most of the arguments I’ve seen against mandatory pronouns. So please take my comment as friendly, I’ll do my best not to be a rude asshole.

    How would you feel about (any) for your pronoun choice? That’s functionally the same as not listing them, people can still choose which ones they want to use for you, but it still shows you’re supportive of people prominently displaying their pronouns. That or you could consider maybe a neopronoun. I personally really like e/em/eir. They’re nice and genderless, easy to use, and, bonus, a mathematician came up with them in like the '70s (I could have the year wrong and I refuse to look it up), not because he was trying to be trans inclusive, but because he hated that math books assumed their readers were all men and he wanted to include women in his writing. (Singular they was considered ungrammatical at that point.)

  • This article is so fucking funny. “Yes, Ansar Allah said they’re responsible for this attack, yes, all the evidence points towards them being responsible for this attack, but are we really sure it was them, really?” It really feels like whoever wrote this piece is really trying to minimize how capable Ansar Allah are, especially since they blame “human error” (by the Israelis) for the lack of warning about the attack when Ansar Allah has said this is a new type of drone that is undetectable by radar.

    I guess I’m just more willing to take Ansar Allah at their word than whoever wrote this article, and I find it deeply amusing how much hedging you have to do if you refuse to believe that Ansar Allah is capable of doing the things they say they’re doing.

  • How has no one mentioned Outer Wilds yet? That’s usually right on up there in these kinds of threads, because it’s great. An absolute masterpiece of a game.

    Pathologic 2 is also a masterpiece, but a (purposefully) miserable game to play. It’s so beautiful and the world is so rich, but it definitely demands perseverance to make it through, because it will do everything it can to make you hate it.

    A Short Hike isn’t quite as narratively satisfying as the other two, but it’s short and fun and extremely adorable. Just a pleasant little world to spend an afternoon in.

  • My person opinion is all politics, racial issues and gender identity should be left out of games and writers should create the stories that they want to create

    I’m sorry, but this is a silly and contradictory opinion. For one thing, what if a writer wants to write a story about racism or gender? Should they be allowed to write the story they want to write, even though you consider it “political”? For another, games have been political since extremely early in the history of games. The original Deus Ex is from 2000 and most of its themes were explicitly political. Fallout: New Vegas has multiple gay characters and (through its super mutants) deals with issues of racial prejudice. I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream came out in 1996 and one of its main characters is a black woman.

    What I’ve noticed about people who say they don’t want “politics” in their games is that they really just want to play games with political messages they already agree with. There’s no such thing as an apolitical work of art, and that applies to games too, unless you’re saying games aren’t (and shouldn’t be) art?

    Play the games you want to play, I don’t give a shit. But don’t make the mistake of thinking that games are “more political” than they used to be. They aren’t.

    Edit: Oh, you’re the same person who was whining about Sweet Baby Inc a few days ago. I’m wasting my time talking to you. Have a good day