JuneFall [none/use name]

  • 14 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2020


  • Taking hostages is fine, and wtf are you supposed to do if you take parents hostage? Just leave the children there in the middle of a war zone alone?

    Israel is small. You can leave the children and the videos of the kids show that the children are not protected, they are hit with sticks and batons and insulted as Jews. Besides that, yes. Those kids are not Tsarist kids. Save your gray propaganda for good goals. You can also find a video in which parents are killed and a child is taken. Or children that are killed. For the outcry that a targeted and thus killed journalist by IDF forces took this ignores that there is a strategic level of Hamas which obviously encouraged what happens, as it is wide spread and communicated via established Hamas video channels and thus shown, it also got an individual vengeance and revenge component.

    The actions of Hamas do show their regressive reactionary nature and that the solidarity for socialist groups in Israel is not existent within them. What we know now, too, is also that it doesn’t seem to have been a unified operation, meaning that the PFLP and other Marxist groups within Gaza are not really having impact on the strategic operations or are shut out completely.

    This means that critical solidarity ought to be critical. If you do a large incursion like that you really argue that shooting young ravers and killing some after taking them hostage, is the best use of your short lived incursion? In any case I have yet to have seen text based Marxist reasoning which isn’t vibes based or goes beyond “national liberation justifies any violence”.

    What is the aim here is to say any person - which includes plenty of Israeli Arabs (at least 20% of the population), also some who were at the rave - outside of Gaza and West Jordan is a legitimate aim to be killed, tortured, (sexually) assaulted, kidnapped. The terror of the guillotine and the committee for hygiene was more targeted and more in line with progressive politics than that. The “no excuse for the terror” doesn’t mean it is arbitrary terror, it is focused on revolutionary goals. They also could’ve had Marxist and pre Marxist reasoning. The operation in Palestina and Israel was not one of national liberation with a class based analysis, but one in which there are people assigned as oppressing colonialists (everyone at the rave i.e. who wasn’t coming from Gaza).

    The goal of course is to weaken Israel’s tourism industry, to unify power within Gaza, to divide Israel and Saudi Arabia and have hostages to do prisoner swaps. Though it is somewhat unlikely that this nearly 60 year old practice will work as before with the current right wing government in Israel and the lack of current good will. It did strengthen unity in Israel.

  • 2/3 In 1985, Canada initiated an independent investigation and established The Commission of Inquiry on War Criminals in Canada (the Deschênes Commission). None of the members of the Division “Galicia” who had settled in Canada were found guilty of committing war crimes.

    I knew they would use the commission which did actively walk back from the Nuremberg decision - based on a ton of evidence - to declare the (Waffen-)SS a criminal organization due to its part in the Holocaust and Shoa.



    To name just two.

    The commission was a really fucked up thing, too. It didn’t look into Nuremberg archives, didn’t acknowledge scholarly work, it didn’t ask neither Eastern Europe nor the Soviet Union for information or access to archives.

    After the commission ended more empirical scholarly work was done which also strengthened the link between Galicia members (and sometimes even before they joined that unit) to war crimes and worse.

    CW One of the commission consequences

    As a result of the Deschenes commission, the Criminal Code was amended in mid-1987 to allow the trial of suspected Nazi war criminals living in Canada. In December of 1987, charges were laid against Imre Finta. (See also Finta Case.) Finta was the first Canadian to ever be prosecuted for war crimes under the new amended Criminal Code. He was accused of forcibly confining over 8,600 Jews in a brick factory located in Szeged, Hungary, in 1944, from which they would then be sent to the Nazi death camps at Auschwitz and Stasshof. Finta was ultimately found not guilty, and no further war crimes trials of Nazis or Nazi collaborators were ever held in Canada afterwards.

    The jury was stacked and his involvement in the Holocaust clear: https://journals.lib.unb.ca/index.php/unblj/article/download/29656/1882524838/1882525145

    Finta was accused of being in charge of bringing Jews from the ghettoes to the concentration centre in Szeged. He was allegedly in charge of the concentration centre and his responsibilities supposedly included making sure that the Jews were kept in the brickyard and could not escape. He also took charge of taking valuables from them and his trial counsel admitted that Finta made daily announcements demanding that the prisoners relinquish all valuables on pain of death. Finally, he allegedly supervised the loading of the prisoners onto boxcars which took the Jews to their deaths at Auschwitz or to forced labour in Strasshof.

    The evidence against Finta is overwhelming and unanswered. Finta presented no evidence to answer the charges brought against him, either at his libel trials or at his criminal prosecution. When asked at his criminal trial if he wanted to call evidence on his own behalf, he declined. Yet, Finta was acquitted. How is it possible that Finta could win his case when he called no evidence on his own behalf and the evidence against him was overwhelming? The answer is that there was a stacked jury and an appeal to racial prejudice.

    “Both the appeal and the cross-appeal were dismissed by the Court by a narrow margin of 4:3.”

    The Crown’s case depended in large measure on the testimony of 19 witnesses who had been interned at Szeged and deported to the concentration camps. The evidence of these survivors fell into four general groups. Six witnesses who knew respondent before the events in issue testified as to things said and done by him at the brickyard and at the train station. A second group consisting of three witnesses who did not know respondent beforehand identified him as having said or done certain things at the brickyard and at the station. A third group consisting of three witnesses who did not know respondent beforehand also testified as to things said and done at the brickyard and at the station. However, this last group based their identification of respondent on statements made to them by others. The fourth group, consisting of eight witnesses who did not know respondent beforehand and did not identify him, gave evidence as to events at the brickyard and the train station. In addition to the evidence of the survivors, the Crown relied on photographs, handwriting and fingerprint evidence to identify respondent as a captain in the Gendarmerie at Szeged at the relevant time. Expert and documentary evidence was tendered to establish the historical context of the evidence, the relevant command structure in place in Hungary in 1944 and the state of international law in 1944.


    Douglas Christie made the purport of these remarks quite dear later in the trial. He asked, “It is very difficult for a Jewish person to be unbiased about the subject of the Holocaust?” and “You [Randolph] advance the Jewish understanding of history?”36 This Holocaust denial-oriented questioning of Braham was prolonged and elaborate. Christie’s questioning of the witness Wolfgang Scheffler was similar. In one exchange, Christie tied together his themes of Holocaust denial and Jews as greedy people.

    He suggested that Jews deny the Holocaust in order to make money through reparations. Douglas Christie asked, “Dr. Scheffler, the Holocaust is big business, isn’t it?”37 The Crown objected and Christie replied, “It is my intention to suggest that there is a motive on the part of many people who are Zionists to exaggerate these things [the Holocaust] to inflate their claims [for reparations].” The ruling of the judge was to “go ahead.”


    Canada did not even sentence people when there were 6-19 eye witnesses of their participation in the Shoa - without threat to their lives. Don’t give a fuck about the commission.

  • but it just isn’t part of the cis comp het system

    Absolutely agree and the middle class thing isn’t wrong. Though funny enough before it became more mainstream known many places in which good munches and workshops in my city happened (often under labels somewhat different to polyamory) they were from leftists, sometimes feminist, sometimes autonomous somewhat anarchist groups. So your point about a feminist polyamory which is an alternative to both the official and inofficial polygamy (think Elon Musk or Donald Trump) as well as the patriarchial polyamory which is exclusionary in terms of gender identities in practice does really vibe with me.

    it just isn’t part of the cis comp het system


    There would of course be challenges brought in in addition to other points that poly means exclusion of neurodivergent people, not only due to sane-ism, but due to the non materialist idea that enough communication and talking about problems does fix them as example.

  • I would say part of 2LGBTQIA*+, but doesn’t quite feel queer to me. Still very real struggles and contradictions in the topic.

    Did you know that as bigamists aren’t allowed entry in the USA?

    Planning to Practice Polygamy in the U.S. Makes U.S. Immigrant Visa Applicants Inadmissible. Anyone seeking an immigrant visa (lawful permanent residence or a green card) who plans to come to the U.S. and practice polygamy is considered inadmissible (barred from U.S. entry). (See I.N.A. Section 212(a)(10)(A).)

    This of course also has Islamophobic connotations, but not only those.

  • If a communist state in 1980s didn’t starve their people then it follows that socialism without starvation is possible. The starvation argument isn’t done cause liberals care about victims - they don’t really - they care about denying the viability of socialist projects. When even the Soviet Union with all its falls was able to do achieve what the CIA did show, then this means the socialist project is viable and could work in various versions.

    This is the real point here.